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Resident Evil Wiki
J'avo Archivo
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La galería de Resident Evil 6
Última Edición: 03-1-2018 por
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El virus C transforma al grupo de Mercenarios de Jake en unas criaturas conocidas como "J'avo". Estos seres carecen de control sobre si mismos, pero conservan sus funciones mentales. Este hecho explicaría los informes sobre J'avo manejando armas hábilmente o comunicándose con otros J'avo en el idioma de su país. Normalmente, esas criaturas siguen las últimas ordenes recibidas justo antes de ser infectados por el virus C y las intentan llevar a cabo sin tener en cuenta su seguridad o bienestar.

El virus desencadena un estado febril intenso y cuando más empeora la condición del huésped, más se calienta. No es extraño ver como algunos J'avo sucumben a sus heridas y desprenden unas llamas mortales y brillantes que calcinan sus cuerpos.

The C-Virus will turn human hosts into creatures called J'avo. These creatures lose all self control, but they fail to exhibit any noticeable drop in mental functions. This would explain reports of J'avo skillfully handling firearms and communicating with other J'avo in their country's native tongue. J'avo will tend to follow the final orders they were given before being infected with the C-Virus, and they will do this with no thought for their own safety or well-being.

The virus creates an intense febrile state in the host, and the more the host is damaged, the hotter it becomes. Many J'avo have been seen to succumb to their wounds, burning to death in bright, hot flames that engulfed their bodies.

That being said, what would normally be a mortal wound is quickly healed through the effects of the virus. More about this and other characteristics can be seen in this journal entry written by a member of the BSAA.

Our mission in eastern Europe is finally over and it's time to go home. We were up against things called J'avo, an entirely new type of viral mutation. They are agile, smart, and their wounds heal automatically. I would hate to see any of these get loose on the general public.


J'avo es un archivo que aparece en la galería de Resident Evil 6.

v · e · d Archivos de Resident Evil 6
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