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BIO HAZARD The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD is a promotional book distributed as a giveaway for preordering the Sega Saturn version of the original Resident Evil. It includes a transcript of the George Trevor letters, a short novel titled "The Beginning" and an interview with Shinji Mikami. The novel portion of the book was translated into English under the title Resident Evil: The Book, which was given away by Capcom U.S.A. via a mail-order offer through their official website.[1][2]


The title included the "Trevor letters", intended as a promotional backstory, and an interview with the game's director/producer, Shinji Mikami. An online translation can be found at

George Trevor's Notes (pp.2-13)[]

Storyboards from BIO HAZARD (pp.14-15)[]

Characters (p.16)[]


Main article: Resident Evil: The Book

BIO HAZARD THE BEGINNING is a light novel by Hiroyuki Ariga (有賀博之 Ariga Hiroyuki?).

Words from Producer on the Game "BIO HAZARD" (pp.145)[]

This section starts as an interview with Shinji Mikami, but incorporates other people later on.

The removal of George Trevor from the game is described as a last-moment removal when it was decided they represented a "dead issue" towards the end. Its purpose was to create a bigger sense of mystery, that the player would find his writings and try to solve it. It was also to explain why a mansion would come with traps, it being Trevor's signature. It was, however, considered to be confusing from a player's perspective.[excerpt 1]



  1. Excerpt from pages 154-155:
    "ゲーム制作終盤で消え去ったものもある。『トレヴァーの手記』がそうだ。制作時、 この手記はゲーム中の謎解きい対してのハマリ防止策としての意味を持っていた。トレヴァーという洋館の建築士が綴った手記に、 ゲームの謎解きのヒントを含ませることによって、 謎にハマッた人でもこれを読めば謎を攻略できるものにしようと思ったのだ。そして、 この手記にはもうひとつの意味があった。それは「なんで洋館にこんな罠があるのか」という疑問に対してのイイワケ(?)をすることだった。この手記は、 ゲーム完成の直前 (一か月前くらい) になってボツにした。理由は、 2つあった。一つは、 ゲームの本筋のストーリーと話が二分してしまい混乱を招くということ。もう一つは、 トレヴァーの手記に説得力をもたせるだけの物理的な余裕をもたせられなかったためである。自分の判断で、 トレヴァーの手記をボツにしたが、 その後「なんで、 なくすにゃ!」と周りからボコボコにされ、 良き思い出となった。"
  1. The True Story Behind BIOHAZARD. Resident Evil Collectors. Retrieved on 2013-07-14.
  2. Resident Evil The Book. Resident Evil Collectors. Retrieved on 2013-07-14.