Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

Bobby's Journal (ボビィの日記?) is an unused file which has been discovered in the Resident Evil 3 release build.

The filename within the game files is mes_file_21.msg.15.


June 29

You know those Charlie Dolls the toy store made
last year? The ones nobody liked because they're
so weird looking? We found one in Tommy's
basement and he dropped it and POOF!
It completely disappeared!
So now, we're planning a new game...

We're collecting as many Charlie Dolls as we can,
and then we're gonna shoot them with the BB gun my
uncle gave me. The toy store gave them out to people
last year for the store's anniversary, but nobody
wants them because they're so dumb and creepy.
Sometimes we even find them in weird hiding places.
The more we find, the more we can shoot!
I'm gonna go out and look for some more now!

P.S. I wonder if the big head on the toy store would make a noise
if we shot it!

きょうは ともだちのトミーと
とっても楽しいゲームを はつめいした
おもちゃのピストルで あるものを撃つんだ</n>あるものって なにかって?
あの おもちゃ屋さんのかんばんのね!

そうぎょう25しゅう年? きねん品でくばられたけど
みんないらないっていうのを トミーとあつめたんだ
撃ったら あんなにおもしろい音がするなんて
しってるのはきっと ぼくたちだけだぞ!

ママや先生にバレたら ぜったい しかられるから
さがせば きっとまだ どこかにすてられてるはずだ


