Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

For the 2005 game's version of the item, see Tactical Vest.

"Body armor that protects the wearer
completely from shots and explosions,
and reduces damage from close-
quarter attacks. Its durability can be
restored by the Merchant.
— Inventory description - English
"着用者を保護するボディアーマー 銃撃や爆発から完全に解放され、近接攻撃によるダメージを軽減します。クォーターアタック。その耐久性は、商人によって復元されました。"
— Inventory description - Japanese

Body Armor is an item in Resident Evil 4.


The Body Armor can be bought at the merchant in chapter 8 for 18,000 Pesetas, and in the chapter 10 Body Armor will be 30% off discount for entire chapter.


Once destroyed armor can be fully repaired for 7,500 Pesetas for assisted and standard difficulty and 9,500 Pesetas for Hardcore and Professional difficulty. When completing the game and starting a New Game + the Body Armor will be fully repaired each time.



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