Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

"A knife with a broken blade. Looks like it can be repaired."
— English description
"ブレードが損傷したナイフ。 修復することで再び装備ができるようになる。"
— Japanese description

Broken Knife (破損 (はそん)したナイフ hason shita naifu?) is a melee weapon in Resident Evil 4.


Once the knife's durability meter has completely depleted, it'll snap into two parts: The handle and the broken blade. Though it is considered as a melee weapon, the Broken Knife serves no purpose due to its damaged state and it can only be used again if it's repaired by the Merchant for a certain amount of price.

The Combat Knife, Fighting Knife, Tactical Knife and Primal Knife (without its exclusive upgrade) are the only melee weapons that can become broken knives. The Kitchen Knife and Boot Knife will immediately be discarded once they lose all their durability.

