Del Lago (デルラゴ,deru-rago?) (Spanish, literally meaning From the Lake) was a massive Plaga-infected amphibian that lived in a lake in Valdelobos.
One of the earlier Plaga experiments by Los Iluminados, Del Lago, was a salamander that became host to a parasite.[1] The organism reacted to its small host by mutating it, increasing its size considerably. The salamander was sealed in the village lake because the cult was unable to control its behavior via the Plaga, which was the original purpose of the experiment.[2][excerpt 1] It was fed by the disposal of corpses, as seen by Leon S. Kennedy as a pair of Ganados dumped a police officer's corpse in the lake.[3]
Leon first learned of the creature near the church, where a letter notified the ganado that it had been awoken by the Prophet Saddler to guard the lake.[4]
Leon then fought it in a small motorboat anchored in the lake's shores. While Leon was crossing the lake, the Del Lago got hooked on to the boat's anchor. Leon was then pulled on along behind the Del Lago at amazing speeds.[5] After bombarding the beast with nearly a dozen harpoons, the Del Lago began spewing blood in copious quantities, and it succumbed to its injuries, sinking to the bottom of the Lake, nearly bringing Leon with it.[6]
↑Excerpt from biohazard4 kaitaishinsho revised edition, p. 129: 体長20メトルを超える水棲巨大生物。その正体は、プラーガを利用した応用実験のサンプルとなったオオサンショウウオである。寄生体の成長が進むにつれて巨大化し、さらには魚類を思わせるような水中での運動能力をも獲得。しかしながら、本来の実験目的である、プラーガを介した行動のコントロールができなかったため、村の湖に封印されていた。