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The Dulvey incident (tentative) was a viral outbreak in Dulvey, Louisiana. The outbreak was caused by an unstable human bio-weapon with hypnotic powers, which also spawned a series of murders perpetrated by Jack and Marguerite Baker.


The cause of the Dulvey incident was a storm in early October 2014, during the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season, which sent a former Paraguas ship crashing in the bayou.[1] Two survivors of the crash were given shelter by the Baker family, Mia Winters and Eveline, who were treated with suspicion. Two days later, Marguerite began to feel ill following contact with Eveline and later went to the hospital after experiencing hallucinations. By the end of the month she succumbed to Eveline's genetically-modified spores and became servile to her and threatened death on anyone who would threaten to split them apart.[2] Though Jack also lost to Eveline, she was not able to take control of their children, Zoe and Lucas - the former avoiding contact and the latter being mentally unstable and thus incapable of being controled. Her original carer, Mia, drifted in and out of being under her control.

Unaware that Eveline required medication, the enslaved Jack and Marguerite were unable to prevent her deteriorating, aging twenty-five times the normal human aging rate until she gained the appearance of an elderly woman confined in a wheelchair. No longer mentally stable, Eveline passed on this instability to her carers. The family themselves disappeared from public life in 2014, with the local police force suspecting foul play after Marguerite failed to visit her doctor following the results of her X-ray which noted a serious fungal infection in her head.[3]


The precise number of victims of the Baker family in uncertain, though it is believed to have been higher than thirty. An article by Alyssa Ashcroft published in January 2016 counted twenty missing people, though with the Baker family likely included. The majority of the missing were described as either vagrants or tourists.[4]

The Bakers catalogued the names of a number of their victims and in some cases infected, or allowed them to be infected by the necrotoxin so they would be "turned" into Moulded. The Bakers recorded at least thirteen victims successfully transforming. The twelfth was a man on a honeymoon with his wife, who herself died. Their thirteenth was a homeless man.[citation needed] Another incomplete list shows another eight "turned" victims by name, including Heidi; Lindsay; Steven; Reid and Susan.[5] Another turned victim, Travis, was taken to the incinerator room to prevent him escaping while he slowly transformed.[citation needed]

Most victims however were simply killed by the Bakers or the existing Moulded. Courtney, Travis' partner (likely making them the aforementioned newlyweds), was given help in escaping confinement.[6] However, she was soon targetted by the Bakers and killed. She may be the same woman, referred to by Jack Baker bas a "piece-of-shit hippy", who was caught in the hall and taken to the processing room.[7] It was this attempted break-out in particular that led to the Bakers locking out the entrance hall door through a complicated relief puzzle.[8] Another three college girls were captured for experimentation in-between their 12th and 13th Moulded; all three died.[citation needed]

In June 2017 three Urbexers for the interenet series, "Sewer Gators", departed from New Orleans to investigate the "Dulvey Haunted House", the Bakers' Guest House and were reported missing soon after.[9] Andre Stickland was captured and killed by Jack immediately after splitting from the group,[10] while Peter Walken and Clancy Javis were locked in a room.[11] Peter was killed by Mia and Jarvis was left injured and later killed by Lucas.

Alongside these incidents, Zoe and Mia made repeated attempts to escape, despite being themselves infected if not under Eveline's complete control.

