For the 2005 game's version of the weapon, see Krauser's Bow.
"A bow custom-made by Krauser himself. The laser sight allows the wielder to shoot accurately in all lighting conditions." — Inventory description - English |
"クラウザーが自らカスタムを施した弓 レーザーポインタの装着により、 昼夜を問わず正確な狙撃ができる。" — Inventory description - Japanese |
EJF-338 Compound Bow is a weapon used by Jack Krauser during the main campaign of Resident Evil (2023), later usable when playing as Krauser in The Mercenaries minigame.
During the main campaign, Krauser uses this bow as one of his primary weapons against Leon Scott Kennedy during their battle in the Ruins, when he aims it laser dot can be seen. The player as Leon can crouch behind covers located throughout the ruins to avoid getting hit by the explosive arrows.
In the Mercenaries, the bow is only available when playing as Krauser and it uses explosives arrows as ammunition.