Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki
Further notes
  • The sounds coming from the mines inside the first El Gigante's enclosure are actually the roars of a lion.
  • In some versions of the game, if you hit El Gigante with the Rocket Launcher as he grabs you, when he dies you will also despawn, making you unable to do anything.
  • During early stages of development of Resident Evil 5, at one point, Tricell was planned to release 10-15 El Gigantes into the African town. The Art of Resident Evil 5 contains rough concept art of this scrapped invasion.
  • In the Mobile Edition, Leon does not have the option to knife the plaga in their backs. Instead, the enemy is defeated by simply damaging it enough.
  • In deleted files for the game, El Gigante are Ganados who failed to stabilise after parasitisation. Bitores Méndez requires that all new Ganados be placed in confinement until they stabilise, and warns that some may pretend to be in good health to escape.[1]
  • The Gigante model was created by first making a Ganado model ten times larger to test the physics. An Onimusha developer participated as the reference for its appearance.[2]

