"A traditional heirloom of a noble family. Some gemstones have been removed. (Can be inlaid with certain gemstones.)" — Inventory description - English |
"貴族の伝統的な家宝. 部の宝石が削除されました. (特定の宝石をはめ込むことができます.)" — Inventory description - Japanese |
Elegant Crown is an item in Resident Evil 4. It can be sold directly to the Merchant for 19,000₧ or or the sale value can be increased by inserting three rectangular and two round gems. The Elegant Crown is needed for the challenge "Astute Appraiser" which require to sell a single treasure for at least 100,000.
The First Elegant Crown is found near a dead corpse in the underground depth part of the Castle. The second is later found stored inside a Treasure Chest near the Wharf section of the Island.