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Resident Evil Wiki

Letter from the Director is a file in the Resident Evil 2 remake.


RE2make Orphanage Bathroom (2)

The file location.

In the Bathroom of the Orphanage (2F), it can only be picked up by Claire.


Letter from the Director

Regarding the incident in question, I'm glad to report that it has all been taken care of.

On Feb. 19, Test Subject 628 escaped from the lab and broke into our facility. 628 was originally from this facility's candidate pool, and apparently returned in the hope of seeking "help." 628 was quickly detained by our staff.

As 628 was undergoing one of the lab's clinical trials, there was the distinct possibility that he had brought the virus with him, so we disposed of all of our test subject candidates as a precaution. Their speedy disposal was conducted by the security team, to whom I'd like to extend my thanks.

As for our neighbors, we told them that due to the building's dilapidated state, we have temporarily moved all of the children to a different orphanage for their safety.

As to the future of this facility, once it has been fully decontaminated, I plan to resume securing more test candidates.


かねてよりの懸案だった例の件について、 対応が完了したことをご報告します。

2月19日、研究所より脱走した被験体628(以下628) が本施設に侵入するという事態が発生しました。 628は、元々、この被験体プール施設で養育されており 救助を求めて「帰還」したものと思われます。 628は本施設の職員によって即時確保されました。

628は研究所において臨床実験に使用されていました。 そのため、本施設がウィルス汚染された可能性を考慮し 施設にいた全ての被験体候補を廃棄処理いたしました。


なお、周辺住民へは、「建物の老朽化のため、 子ども達は一時的に他の孤児院へ移動させた」という 説明を行っております。

本施設の汚染除去が確認され次第、 再度、被験体候補の確保を進めていく予定です。


Official English localization[]

Original Japanese script[]
