Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki
For the 1998 version, see Gatling Gun (RE2).

"A six-barrel motorized minigun that fires 7.62mm NATO rounds. Incredibly fast rate of fire and deals a lot of damage."
— Inventory description
"A six-barrel motorized minigun that fires 7.62mm NATO rounds. Incredibly fast rate of fire and deals a lot of damage. Can fire indefinitely."
— Inventory description, infinite version
"7.62mmNATO弾を装填する 電動式6バレルのミニガン。 連射性能、威力共に非常に高い。"
— Inventory description - Japanese
"7.62mmNATO弾を装填する 電動式6バレルのミニガン。 連射性能、威力共に非常に高く、無尽蔵に撃てる。"
— Inventory description, infinite version - Japanese

The Minigun is a weapon in the Resident Evil 2 remake.


It can only be found as Claire on the small room next to the Turntable. Since the player is forced to grab the Joint Plug, there will always be space available on the inventory to pick up this weapon after the plug is used.

An infinite version of the Minigun can also be unlocked by completing one of Claire's scenarios with an S+ rank on Hardcore or by purchasing the "All In-game Rewards Unlock" DLC.


The Minigun is a gatling gun which has a maximum magazine capacity of 400. In Claire's campaign, the weapon is loaded to maximum when picked up, but there is no ammo for it to be found in the game.

In Claire [2nd], the Minigun can also be used against G (Stage 5).

In The Tofu Survivor, this weapon is included in Flan's pre-determined loadout. Additionally, the infinite version of the Minigun can also be used by Leon once it's unlocked.

The weapon itself is nothing short of a killing machine, able to pop G4's multitude of eyes very quickly likewise shredding G5's gigantic eyeball's health within seconds. Against zombies, it's more than capable of decapitating zombies through sheer firepower all the while dealing with tougher enemies such as Lickers and Ivies without any real risk.

