(Covers information from the D.C. comics)
Fritz Giesel was the CEO of Giesel Industries in 2009. He was the father of Neuermann Giesel, who was created as a clone from his genetic material.
Fritz Giesel was born in Rhineland in Germany in 1912. In 1944 he emigrated to the South American country of Übelandia and by 1946 he had an expansive mansion built near the border with neighboring Urador by the finest craftsman in Übelandia, although based on his actions he bore no true loyalty to his adopted country. At some point he founded Giesel Industries and he and his company became well known for their ruthlessness and willingness to do whatever it takes to get ahead as evidenced by their backing of the 1999 coup on Puñalanda Island. By the turn of the millennium he was known to be connected to several terrorist groups but the authorities were unable to act on their suspicions due to lack of evidence. In 2004 he left his mansion for an unknown location. In January 2008 he commissioned the creation of a clone of himself Neuermann Giesel modified via the T-Virus to have enhanced metabolic and regenerative abilities. The clone rapidly grew to maturity within a year and was passed off as being Giesel's nephew and prospective heir should Fritz die. Following the unexpected 2009 death of his clone and the BSAA uncovering of his company's BOW research and dealings with the ousted dictator of Urador, General Del Valle, Fritz blamed the whole debacle on his “nephew” and agreed to a public apology and a payment of $50 million US dollars in reparation to the people of Übelandia.
Although never definitely confirmed there is a strong possibility that given his approximate age, his German background, and the styling of the armor on his company’s Übersoldat weapon that Fritz may in fact be a Nazi SS officer or at the very least a Nazi sympathizer who fled to South America near the end of WW2 once it became clear the war was going to end in Germany’s defeat. Furthermore it's possible that Friz Giesel was named for German organic chemist Friedrich Oskar Giesel. "Fritz" is a common nickname for the given names Friedrich and Frederick.