(Capcom's primary storyline)
(Operation Raccoon City's backstory)
(An alternate timeline in the Prime universe)
"It's sheer perfection... My precious G-virus, no one will ever take you away from me." — William Birkin |
The G-Virus or by its true name "Golgotha", is a retrovirus discovered and engineered by William Birkin. Even though G was part of the Progenitor family of viruses, its nature was far beyond anything seen with t-Virus.
Despite being financed and treated as a weapon by Umbrella, its purpose was to advance human evolution through infection. G has the abilities to "evolve" a host, create new lifeforms, and most notably repair dead cells/bring deceased hosts back to life.
t-Virus and G-Virus
The two viruses are totally dissimilar despite being descended from Progenitor and G being a further evolved t-Virus strain formed through continuous injections of variant strains into a certain test subject. Whereas the t-Virus typically causes relatively minor mutations in human hosts, such as Zombies and Tyrants, the G-Virus causes such extreme genetic mutations that victims are no longer recognizable as human.[1] t-Virus mutants are almost unanimously infertile, while "G" mutants are capable of asexual reproduction.[1] The t-Virus causes necrosis of the body as a side effect, while G is capable of repairing dead cells and even reviving the dead.[1][2] Because of these factors, G is regarded as one of the greatest threats to the planet if an outbreak were to occur.[3][excerpt 1]
G-Virus Project
The G-Virus was isolated in 1988 by Dr. William Birkin, the chief researcher at Umbrella USA's top-secret Arklay Laboratory. Its discovery was made following the immune system's inexplicable destruction of an NE-α Type parasite in the body of Lisa Trevor, a human test subject.[4] The virus could theoretically have existed since the late 1960s when testing on her began,[5] and was determined to be able to genetically alter a living being repeatedly and unpredictably, as well as repair damaged cells and revive the dead. These properties ran counter to Umbrella's plans to create a reliable military-grade B.O.W.s that could be controlled.
Despite this, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals' CEO, Oswell E. Spencer, Earl Spencer, was interested in "G" for its potential eugenics purposes and authorized its development as an R&D project unrelated to the t-Virus Project.[6][excerpt 2][7] Early research on "G" took place in France at an underground research complex led by Dr. Christine Henry, a French countess from a family connected to Spencer.[8] However, this partnership ceased in 1991 with the completion of Umbrella's Underground Laboratory within a limestone cavern in the outskirts of Raccoon City.[7]

Dr. William Birkin following G-Virus infection. The asymmetrical mutation, growth of a second head, new arms and eyeballs encapsulate the randomness of the mutations caused by infection.
The G-Virus Project reached its final stages in 1998 alongside the t-Virus Project, which Dr. Birkin also oversaw. Through the abduction of locals, the NEST researchers were able to obtain a number of test subjects for both projects, including children at a nearby orphanage. However, the accelerated use of test subjects was so high that the newly commissioned Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A suffered a biohazard due to having to process too much biowaste.
As the months drew on, Dr. Birkin became increasingly frustrated with Umbrella's board of executives, and both parties became increasingly suspicious that the other would seize the completed virus for themselves. Dr. Birkin entered into secret negotiations with the US military, expecting to earn protection as a new addition to their own bio-weapons project. However, Umbrella HQ's moles within the US military reported back on this new development, and an Umbrella Security Service team was sent out to detain Dr. Birkin for crimes against Umbrella and seize the virus to complete its research under Dr. Henry in France.[9]
On the night of September 22, the USS launched an attack on NEST and fatally wounded Dr. Birkin during their recovery mission. In his dying moments, Dr. Birkin infected himself with a remaining sample of "G" and mutated into a powerful G mutant. He massacred the security team and leaked both G-Virus and the t-Virus into the sewers. As Raccoon City fell to a t-Virus outbreak, Dr. Birkin continued to wander around, seeking people to implant with G-embryos and propagate his new species. The number of Gs created is uncertain, although it is known that some corpses were infected with the virus and became G-Zombies. Further attempts to steal "G" continued during the outbreak.
Within NEST, Dr. Monica and a man later known as Dr. Frederic Downing both attempted to escape Raccoon City with samples. In Dr. Monica's case, she stole an embryo from a pre-final G test and was killed by it during her escape attempt. In Dr. Downing's case, he succeeded in escaping with a virus sample, either from the finalized version or a near-finalized one and tried to start a new life for himself outside Raccoon City.
The US Army made an attempt to recover the virus through Delta Force and used Umbrella's private subway system to reach the lab and retrieve it. Unfortunately, they took the wrong route and were killed at the P-12A plant. Umbrella's own attempt to retrieve "G" succeeded in the early hours of September 30, when Alpha Team leader "HUNK" recovered a sample and got in touch with an Umbrella helicopter.
In the early hours of September 30, Dr. Birkin implanted a G embryo into his daughter, Sherry, which led to her being rushed to NEST to be treated with the DEVIL vaccine on the advice of Dr. Birkin's wife, Dr. Annette Birkin, the only surviving member of NEST still in the city. The vaccine was designed to halt mutations caused by the virus,[10] but as a vaccine could not reverse mutation, the recommended procedure was an emergency surgery to remove G-cells from the body. However, this did not take place due to the severity of the outbreak, made worse by the facility's self-destruct sequence and Annette's death.
At the same time, the facility was infiltrated by Ada Wong, an agent for a rival company sent to retrieve a sample of "G". Wong ultimately failed to retrieve a sample, though she escaped with a skin tissue sample taken from Dr. Birkin. Dr. Birkin himself was killed attempting to escape NEST in an underground train, although accounts differ as to whether he was killed by the train self-destructing or by being consumed by the explosion from NEST.
Post-Raccoon City
Further research and modification of the G-Virus took place in the years after the Raccoon City incident. Umbrella Europe, a rival company, Dr. Downing, and the US military all succeeded in retrieving samples. The latter accomplished this by placing Sherry Birkin in government custody as a means of studying her G-cells and keeping her away from those seeking the virus.
Umbrella Europe used "G" in research on marrying the G- and t- Projects, resulting in what became known as the t+G Virus. This virus was mostly a t-Virus that had mutated from exposure within a hostile environment of G-antibodies, possibly within a G organism. The virus went through at least two iterations as research continued, and all known samples were stolen in September 2002 by terrorist Dr. Morpheus D. Duvall. They were later destroyed along with a missile silo he had based himself in and a cruise ship he used to get there.
In late 2005, Dr. Downing used "G" as part of a black market bioweapons sales pitch to the Republic of Bajirib. Having radicalized Dr. Curtis Miller into using viral weapons as a means of political debate on them and revealing the US military's previous involvement with Umbrella USA, Dr. Downing sought to use footage of t-Virus outbreaks caused by Dr. Miller, as well as his own infection with "G", as proof of concept. Bajirib was interested in both viruses, despite Dr. Downing's own recommendation against "G". However, the sale failed when USSTRATCOM was able to track him down and detain him.
Although the US military made no known attempts to create bioweapons after the Raccoon City incident, The Family, an American exceptionalist movement with strong ties to the government and civil service, initiated the C-Virus Project as a private endeavor. They believed that the US would inevitably return to developing bioweapons and did not want rival countries like China to advance beyond them in the meantime. Through access to Sherry, who herself had been confirmed to possess regenerative and anti-aging abilities, The Family was able to obtain G-Cells from her body as well as any G-Virus virions being produced. By splicing G-cells into a sample of t-Veronica obtained in 2002, the Chrysalid Virus was able to cause extreme mutations in humans as well as revive the dead.
To date, the BSAA has not had to combat a G-Virus outbreak. Nonetheless, their official policy is that if the virus is detected, the entire BSAA force should be put on alert if the local branch is inadequate to destroy all traces, with that point being determined by the creation of new G-humans.[11]

The G-Virus, preserved within a purple liquid.
There are two significant ways in which "G" is able to transmit between individuals. The first is through injection of the virus into the body. Umbrella USA's NEST facility kept a number of vials of "G" in storage, preserved within a protein media dyed purple for immediate identification. As the incubation period for the G-Virus is very short, injection of a full or near-full vial, as performed by Dr. William Birkin, is known to bring about mutation within seconds, though it is possible this process would be delayed if a smaller viral load is injected.
The second mode of transmission is by implantation of a G-embryo. These organisms are the natural offspring of G-mutants and are forced into a human host's body via oral implantation. By being a host to the parasitic embryo, the victim is then at risk of being infected from within. If the host is closely related genetically to the embryo's parent, there is a high probability that the embryo will merge into the host's body and mutate them into Gs themselves.[12] If the host is not deemed compatible, the embryo will force its way out within minutes, killing the host. It is uncertain whether a rejected host will be infected with the virus.
- See also: William Birkin, Curtis Miller, G, and G-Zombie

A third eye on some part of the body (typically the shoulder) was a common feature of creatures imbued with the G-virus.
The G-Virus has extreme effects on the human body. The virus infects cells close by, turning them into so-called "G-Cells." These G-Cells then produce more of the virus, which spreads further across the body. As this gradual spread starts from the point of infection, the body may mutate asymmetrically. This is seen in Dr. Birkin, who infected himself in the right arm, which became considerably more muscular in comparison to the left.[13]
G's extreme mutations are not stopped simply from the creation of G-Cells. If part of the body is injured, it will regenerate, ultimately causing the host's DNA to be rewritten, leading to significant changes in the body during the regeneration. In the case of Dr. Birkin, he grew an entirely new, functional head, with his original head being moved down to the chest and eventually disappearing entirely.[14] Other noticeable aspects of the extreme mutations were the growth of a second pair of arms, which later mutated further into feet, and the reshaping of the rib cage into a mouth with bone teeth.[15] With each physical trauma he received, Birkin's mutations grew more and more severe, until his form could no longer be recognized as human.
Outside of Dr. Birkin's unique mutation, two common elements occur within most G-mutants. The first is that of functioning eyeballs which develop in seemingly random parts of the body for no particular reason. This is comparable with teratomas, a type of tumor that grows hair, teeth, and eyes. The second is that of asexual reproduction, the manner of which is uncertain.[12] Dr. Birkin was capable of reproducing embryos soon after infection but was not seen doing so for another seven days, while second-generation "G" were capable of giving birth to embryos within minutes of their own birth. In both types of mutations, the individuals gave birth via the mouth. This may be typical with G, or simply the result of the embryos sharing random traits developed in Birkin's body. As observed in Raccoon City, third-generation G - effectively Birkin's grandchildren - were incapable of maturing past their larval stage, exposing a generational defect in G mutants.[3]
There are two other occurrences of G mutants that do not fit other examples. The first is that of the G-Zombies, human corpses infected with the G-Virus in some manner (e.g., embryonic implantation within a corpse or, perhaps, the revival of rejected hosts). These creatures are not 'true' G and remain genetically human, albeit with their body turned pink from the G-Cells. The second anomaly is that of Sherry Birkin. This individual is the only known instance of a host being genetically compatible with the embryo but was vaccinated during a short window after implantation and, consequently, did not develop extreme mutations aside from regenerative abilities. Whether or not she possesses any other traits is unknown.
- See also: DEVIL
A treatment for G was developed by the NEST research team while studying the virus. This treatment was codenamed "DEVIL" and was recommended for use by NEST staff in the event of an outbreak. DEVIL had a high success rate in preventing the virus from infecting a patient's cells. Although the vaccine can be administered to a patient who has already been infected with the virus, the window for success is limited and varies from host to host.[12] Further mutations beyond this point prevent the vaccine from being effective.[12] The vaccine is unable to reverse mutations, so those vaccinated after infection will continue to show some signs of mutation but will not mutate further.[10] NEST's scientists developed a surgical procedure to remove the growths of G-Cells in the body. Since G-Cells naturally produce the virus, their removal is necessary to eradicate the virus from the body.
Known Infectees
- Ben Bertolucci ✝
- Brian Irons ✝
- Curtis Miller ✝
- Lisa Trevor ✝
- Monica ✝
- Sherry Birkin
- William Birkin ✝
Further notes
- The localization for Resident Evil 2 contained an error regarding the origin of the T-00 (referred to as "that monster that is tearing apart the precinct"). It was erroneously stated that the T-00 was created by the G-Virus and was the ultimate bioweapon during Brian Irons' explanation of the virus's properties to Claire. However, in the original script, Irons only commented on the virus's ability to rapidly advance human evolution, without mentioning the T-00.
- Tahara, Seiji (田原 誠司), ed (1998). BIOHAZARD 2 Official Guide Book. Japan: Famitsu.
- Sumner, Christian; Shotten, Brian; Owen, Michael, eds (9 November 2005). Resident Evil Archives: Umbrella's Virus Uncovered. Translated by Zpang America, Inc.. BradyGames. ISBN 0744006554.
- excerpts
- ↑ Excerpt from Resident Evil 2 (2019) Loading screen:
"Umbrella's secret laboratory, "NEST"—the source of Raccoon City's nightmare.
Having made it down to NEST, Leon must now find the most dangerous bioweapon in history, the G-Virus.
Leon believes that if he gets his hands on it, he can make sure justice is served." - ↑ Excerpt from biohazard archives (2nd ed.): "「G」 発見のきっかけを作ったのは、 後にネメシス計画の中心となる寄生生物「NE-α型」 の原型である。 これを、 驚異的な生命間で生き続けていた生体サンプル、 リサ・トレヴァーに移植したところ、 脳へ寄生する間もなく消滅。 ウィリアムがリサを詳しく調べた結果、 彼女の体内で新たに覚醒したと思われるG-ウィルスの原型が確認された。 この画期的発見は、 t-ウィルス計画を逸脱するものであり、 ウィリアム自身も即座に本部へ「G-ウィルス計画」 を立案して承認を得た。 これにより、 アンブレラはラクーンシティの地下に巨大研究施設を建造し、 ウィリアムはそこを拠点に新になウィルス開発を始めることになる。
G-ウィルスがtーウィルスと本に違う点は、 感染した生体自身がまったく新しい生命体に進化を遂げるところにある。 t-ウィルスは一世代だけの突然変異体(ミュタント)を生み出すに過ぎないが、 G-ウィルスは繁な「G生物」 を生み出す力を持っている。 つまり、 ウィルスによってもたらされたG細胞が、 生態の構造を組み替えながら肉体を侵食。 これによって感染者は予測不可能な劇的進化を繰り返し、 子孫を増やす能力を持つ人工種となるわけである。 G-ウィルスには、 この他にも死人を蘇らせる特性もあるという。 それだけに、 G-ウィルスはt-ウィルスを超える恐るべき発明として認識しておく必悪がある。
しかし、 その未知なるウィルスの開発は、 ウィリアムのエゴイズムによって結論を見ないまま幕を閉じる。 米国政府(軍部) 側へ寝返ることを考えていた彼は、 スペンサーに自分の研究を横取りされることを拒絶し、 すべてを独占しようと企んだのだ。 これに業を煮やしたアンブレラは、 特殊工作部隊を使ってサンプルの強奪に乗り出すが、 ウィリアムが自分自身にG-ウィルスを投与したために事態は急変。 ウィリアムは、 G-ウィルスによる ”人間の進化” を、 自分の肉体を使ってまざまざと見せ付けた。"
- references
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 biohazard archives (2nd ed.), p.300.
- ↑ http://www.projectumbrella.net/articles/Yasuhisa-Kawamura-Interview-Project-Umbrella
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 BSAA Remote Desktop, G-Virus report.
- ↑ Wesker's Report II, Part 4.
- ↑ Wesker's Report II, Part 1.
- ↑ biohazard archives (2nd ed.)
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Wesker's Report II, Part 5.
- ↑ BIO HAZARD 2 DRAMA ALBUM ~The Female Spy Ada Lives~~
- ↑ Op Instructions.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Resident Evil 2 (1998), file: "Vaccine synthesis".
- ↑ BSAA Remote Desktop, "G-Virus report".
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (2010), file: "G-Virus Antigen".
- ↑ Tahara (ed.), Official Guide Book, p.53.
- ↑ Tahara (ed.), Official Guide Book, p.54.
- ↑ Tahara (ed.), Official Guide Book, p.56.