"Common handgun cartridges. This ammo is favored for its flat trajectory and moderate recoil." — Inventory description - English |
"ハンドガン用弾薬。 最も広く使用されている弾薬で 反動が弱く弾道も安定し扱いやすい。" — Inventory description - Japanese |
Handgun Ammo is an ammunition type in Resident Evil 4.
Handgun Ammo is the standard ammunition for Handguns such as SG-09 R, Sentinel Nine, Punisher, Punisher MC, Red9, Blacktail Blacktail AC, Matilda and XM96E1. Each box of ammo takes up two inventory spaces (1x2), and can carry up to 50 bullets per box. It can be manually crafted by combining 5 Gunpowder with 1 Resources (S) for 10 bullets. The box of ammo has multiple righting on it, such as the name of the brand RED EAGLE. We can read on the front: pistol cartridges, cartouches, 9mm handgun and high velocity. The side also calls them handgun hunting ammunition. One of the side reveal that the company name of those ammo is RED EAGLE Corp.
Handgun Ammo can be found at various locations throughout the course of the game.
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