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Is Ada Spy!? (tentative) is a cutscene in Resident Evil 2. It is played during the Leon A scenario.


After having obtained the MO Disc needed for escaping the Raccoon City Underground Laboratory, Leon S. Kennedy is held up by Dr. Annette Birkin at gunpoint. Ada accuses him of having murdered her husband and being a spy sent to steal the G-Virus, seeing his association with Ada Wong as proof. Leon is confused by her accusation, leading to Ada's realisation that he really is so gullible as to follow Ada to the lab without suspicion. Leon doesn't believe her, but Annette continues; she accuses Ada of having become John Clemens' girlfriend to obtain corporate information.

Annette is ready to execute Leon, but is stopped by the activation of the laboratory's self-destruct system. The ceiling collapses and a steam pipe lands on Annette. Leon takes the G-Virus sample from her hands and leaves as an automated warning about the lab's impending destruction plays out.


Annette Birkin: "You... you murdered my husband! I know what you're looking for! You came for the G-Virus, didn't you?! But you'll never take it from me! This is my husband's legacy! Now, where is that spy you were working with earlier? You know who I'm talking about."

Leon S. Kennedy: "What?"

Annette: "You really don't know anything, do you? Hahaha... you're so gullible! She is one of the operatives sent here by the agency! The only reason why she came here is to obtain the G-Virus!"

Leon: "That's a lie."

Annette: "No, it's the truth. I discovered this when I did a background check on her. She specifically got close to John, and became his girlfriend to get information about Umbrella."

Leon: "That can't be! I know her. Ada wouldn't do something like that."

Annette: "If you don't want to believe, then I don't really care. You're about to die anyway..."
"Wh-what happened?"

Computer: "The self-destruct sequence has been activated. Repeat: the self-destruct sequence has been activated. This sequence may not be aborted. All employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom platform."

Annette Birkin:「よくも夫を! わかってるわよ G-ウィルスが目当てね でも 夫の遺産を簡単には渡さないわ! 所で・・・ 一緒にいた女はどこに? お仕事中かしら?」

Leon S. Kennedy:「何?」

Annette:「あんた 何も知らないの? おめでたいわね! あの女は ある組織の工作員よ G-ウィルスを奪うために送られたスパイさ!」


Annette:「本当よ ここで情報を引き出して分かったわ 研究員のジョンに近づいて― アンブレラの情報を盗み出していたのよ」

Leon:「そんなバカな! 彼女はそんな女じゃない!」

Annette:「そんな事はどっちでもいいわ お前は もう死ぬんだから!」
「何が 起きたの?」

Computer:「爆破装置が作動しました 繰り返します 爆破装置が作動しました 停止することは出来ません 研究員は最下層のプラットフォームから非常車両で脱出してく下さい」
