Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

"A knife made for cooking. Its edge chips easily."
— Inventory description - English
— Inventory description - Japanese

Kitchen Knife is a melee weapon in Resident Evil 4.


It is essentially a worn rusted steak knife. It's primary purpose is to act as a temporary replacement for more permanent knives until the better knife can be repaired, however it is also a crafting component for Bolts and also Blast Arrows in Separate Ways

Durability = 0.25

Crafting Menu[]

Kitchen Knife Crafting Material Product
Kitchen Knife x1 Resources (S) x1 Blast Arrows x1
Kitchen Knife x1 Resources (L) x1 Bolts Between 2 and 4


Throughout the Village, the Kitchen Knife can be found frequently from most sources, including boxes and enemies. However, they tend to drop more frequently when the player's more permanent options for knives (Such as the Combat Knife) are broken or otherwise unavailable.

In the Chainsaw Demo, the Kitchen Knife can be found below the Village Square after entering a tunnel by climbing down a well ladder. Near a large blue chest containing the TMP is a barrel that holds the Kitchen Knife.

In The Mercenaries, Kitchen Knives are an uncommon drop from all enemies, but they don't seem to drop at all for Jack Krauser. This is because Krauser's Fighting Knife has infinite durability, rendering the Boot Knife useless. These knives only begin to drop for Leon Scott Kennedy and Ada Wong when their main knife is broken or reaches relatively low levels of durability. It's important to note that the Boot Knife is the only knife that Luis Serra Navarro and Hunk can obtain, and they also start with one in their inventory. They also do not drop at all for Wesker, as he uses his shadow hand power in place of any type of knife.


