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Resident Evil Wiki

The loading screens in Resident Evil Re:Verse always display a gameplay tip with an image of the map players will play on.

Closed and Open Betas[]

Preview English Japanese
Resident Evil REVerse closed beta screenshots (7)
"The more virus capsules you hold in human form, the more damage your weapons will deal and the more accurate they'll become."
"人間状態でウイルスを取得すればするほど 武器の攻撃力と照準能力が高くなる"
Resident Evil REVerse closed beta screenshots (6)
"Pick up multiple virus capsules and you'll transform into an even stronger bioweapon."
"ウイルスは複数取得すると より強い B.O.W.に変身できる"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 1
"The higher an opponent's kill streak count, the more points you get for killing them."
"相手のキルコンボの数が多いほど キルした時に獲得できる点数が多くなる"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 2
"You gain more points for getting kills as a human."
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 3
"If you see a fire icon above someone's head, it means they've got a kill streak going. Take them out and earn a significant bonus!"
"炎のアイコンがついている相手を攻撃しよう! 相手のキルコンボを中断させると 特別ボーナスを獲得できる"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 4
"Special weapons spawn on the battlefield one minute after the match begins. They're extremely powerful, but can only be used once."
"対戦開始1分後 マップに特殊武器がスポーンされ始める 特殊武器は強力だが 1回しか使えない"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 6
"Waiting until the reticule is tight and focused before you pull the trigger will ensure your shots don't go off-target and also deals more damage."
"構え時 照準を完全に絞った状態になると 弾道のズレが発生しなくなり ダメージも上昇する"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 7
"Pressing [triangle] while in human form will cycle through your weapons."
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 8
"All but the very weakest bioweapons have special finishing blow animation which plays when attacking an opponent in critical condition with [L1]."
"一番グレードの低いB.O.W.を除き B.O.W.の [L1] アクティブスキルは瀕死の人間にヒットすると 特別な演出が見られるフィニッシュ技に派生する"
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 9
"Head shots deal incredible damage."
Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 10
"Damage taken is reduced while dodging."
"回避中は ダメージが軽減される"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 11.jpg
"The opponent that killed you is marked by a skull above their head. Kill them and claim your revenge. Getting revenge earns you bonus points, and restores your lost kill streak count."
"自分をキルした相手の頭上にドクロのマークがついている その相手をキルすればリベンジが成立する リベンジが成功すると特別ボーナスを獲得でき キルコンボも取り戻せる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 12.jpg
"The current top three players in the game are marked by a crown above their heads. Kill them to earn bonus points."
"現在ランキングベスト3のプレイヤーの頭上に 王冠のアイコンが表示される ベスト3をキルすれば 特別ボーナスを獲得できる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 13.jpg
"All but the weakest bioweapons have a finisher animation which plays when attacking an opponent in critical condition with [button prompt]. This awards additional score when performed."
"一番グレードの低いB.O.W.を除き B.O.W.の [button prompt] アクティブスキルは瀕死の人間にヒットすると 特別な演出が見られるフィニッシュ技に派生する 特別ボーナスも獲得できる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 14.jpg
"Whether you're playing as a human or a bioweapon, you always lose points when you die."
"人間でもB.O.W.でも 死亡すれば減点される"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 15.jpg
"Virus capsules will continue to spawn on the battlefield as time passes."
"マップ上のウイルスは経過時間により だんだん多くなる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 16.jpg
"You can learn about the basic controls in the tutorial. If you want to try out different characters' skills, check out the playground."
"基本の操作はチュートリアルで確認できる 更に各キャラクターのスキルを詳しく確認したいときは プレイグラウンドを活用しよう"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 17.jpg
"There is a brief period of invulnerability when you respawn as a human."
"リスポーンされた人間は短い間 無敵状態になる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 18.jpg
"You flinch upon taking damage in human mode, but dodging or using skills will snap you out of it."
"人間がダメージを受けてひるんでいる時 回避やスキルを発動すればダメージ動作を解除できる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 19.jpg
"Waiting until the reticle is tight and focused before you pull the trigger will ensure your shots don't go off-target and also deals more damage."
"構え時 照準を完全に絞った状態になると 弾道のズレが発生しなくなり ダメージも上昇する"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 20.jpg
"There is a brief period of invulnerability when you transform into a bioweapon."
"B.O.W.への変身後は 短い間 無敵状態になる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 21.jpg
"Using skills consumes energy when playing as a bioweapon, but energy regenerates over time."
"B.O.W.のアクティブスキルで消費するエネルギーは 時間経過で回復する"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 22.jpg
"Taking damage as a bioweapon will cause you to stagger. Using skills or standard attacks can cancel this animation."
"B.O.W.がダメージを受けた時 スキルや通常攻撃を発動すればダメージ動作を解除できる"
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 23.jpg
"Bioweapons cannot pick up items."
File:Resident Evil ReVerse loading screen 24.jpg
"Bioweapons have thermal vision but it cannot detect cloaked players."

