Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

Mikhail Victor is a glossary entry for Resident Evil Recollections.[1]


Resident Evil 3
A former Soviet Captain, and current Captain of U.B.C.S. (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) Delta platoon. He retired from the army after the fall of the Soviet Union and joined his wife who was part of an ethnic minority independence movement. Commanding a guerilla organization, his vast military experience helped him carry out a number of terrorist attacks.
After being arrested by the military, his comrades were summarily condemned to death. Their lives were spared when he agreed to join the U.B.C.S. He was taken out very early on in the Civilian Rescue Operation in Raccoon City. He allowed Jill and his companions to flee from the Nemesis T-type attack by selflessly blowing himself up along with the pursuer. His subordinates would always remember him as an honest leader whom they trusted with their lives.

Height: 178cm. Weight: 98kg. Blood type A. Age: 45 (as of 1998 / Resident Evil 3).


国家軍に逮捕後、即差に仲間の銃殺命令が下されるが、銃殺中止を条件に U.B.C.S.(アンブレラ バイオハザード対策部隊)入隊を承諾。ラクーンシティの市民救出作戦では、わずかな時間で壊滅。追跡者「ネメシス-T型」の襲撃を受け、ジル達を逃がす為に追跡者もろとも自爆する。実直な性格で統率力に富み、部下からの信望も厚い有能な指揮官であった。

身長:178cm。体重:98kg。血液型:A。年齢45歳(1998年当時BIOHAZARD 3)


  1. Mikhail Victor. RE.NET. Retrieved on 2022-05-26.