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Further notes

The Nemesis-T Type, also known as the Pursuer, is a T-103 Tyrant clone and thus possesses all of the conventional attributes of a T-103 Tyrant ranging from superhuman strength, resilience and regeneration [1] as well as limited intelligence. However, unlike its brethren, it has been further augmented by the Nemesis α parasite, giving it newer enhanced abilities.


Thanks to the Nemesis α parasite hijacking the body, the Nemesis-T Type not only possess’ human-level intelligence, but it also demonstrates rational thinking and self-awareness, allowing it to solve complex tasks on its own, such as the handling of weaponry in combat.[2][excerpt 1]


Due to the chemical secretions of the Nemesis α parasite, the Tyrant host's skin has suffered from brown staining giving it a corroded appearance.[2] These secretions also have regenerative properties, which further enhance the existing regenerative abilities of the Tyrant. However, the effects of continual t-Virus exposure means that the more times Nemesis-T is injured, the greater it will mutate.[3][excerpt 2] Rather than possessing a Power Limiter, the Nemesis-T's mutations are theoretically kept in check by protecting its body with a thick coat designed to protect it from bullets and explosions.[2][3]

Further mutations

Unlike its brethren, the Nemesis-T Type undergoes unique regenerative mutations. When in the field, the Nemesis-T prototype suffered from severe mutations during its experiences in Raccoon City. Its coat was shredded when its rocket launcher exploded, and soon after it passed out in the burning ruins of the St. Michael Clock Tower.

The explosion and subsequent fire injuries accumulated in its body, and caused further mutation. Unlike most Tyrant series who usually develop thicker skin and clawed arms, the Nemesis Alpha's tentacles became larger to serve as a weapon, but at the cost of damaging the brain-stem.[3] This mutation could be attributed to the parasite's presence in the host, whose exposure to the t-Virus may have accelerated their mutation when damaged.

At Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A, Nemesis-T was dropped into a vat of treatment chemicals designed for destroying biological waste. The Nemesis α survived, though the Tyrant's body was virtually destroyed. Having suffered catastrophic injury, the parasite devoured the corpse of another T-103 and transformed what remained of the host body into a blob-like organism with tentacles. Lacking functional limbs, it instead crawled on the ground, and with its damaged head becoming a mouth piece.[4][excerpt 3]


The Nemesis that features in the 2020 remake is very similiar to the 1999 iteration, humanoid in appearance but more detailed as shown by the more prominent teeth and facial features. The creature is first shown in-game wearing a black body bag-like material covering its full body, including its face. Nemesis is a prototype and not a completed model. In this regard, the black material serving as its clothing is not an official attire, rather it serves as restrictive gear that was haphazardly created to contain the monster. In addition to the same intelligence as ordinary people, because of the further growth and strengthening of bones and muscles caused by NE alpha, the Nemesis has a larger body size than other Tyrants of the same kind. Because of the secretion of NE alpha, its body has been further strengthened, and it has far more raw strength and durability than any standard T-103. Conventional weapons don't work for it, nor can rockets or explosives kill it, only stun it. The Nemesis has the ability to repair wounds as every time the host is injured, it will secrete chemicals to strengthen the creature’s body. However, if it is injured beyond the means of its ability to regenerate, the Nemesis will mutate further.

First Form

Nemesis render RE3make

Nemesis Type 1

At the point of the first contact, the Nemesis is like an enhanced Tyrant, at an intimidating height of over 8.7 feet tall. The first form of the Nemesis is also extremely fast, able to catch up to the player in seconds by taking a few large strides or a single bound. It has the ability to even dodge gunfire and explosives by either strafing or even catching them with one of its tentacles. The creature has great-superhuman strength, being able to toss cars and large pieces of debris aside like they were nothing and breaking open the big metal container with its own hands. The Nemesis’ “coat” is made of an unknown bulletproof, glossy material which covers its full body. This functions as a restraining gear to stop the NE-α parasite from going rogue while in the field. Beyond this restrictive gear, the NE-α parasite is regulated by a metal chest piece that is fitted on the host, specifically shaped like a heart on the left side of the monster’s chest. The Nemesis can sprout tentacles from its body and use them to attack the player by either whipping, piercing or grabbing them. It can also use its tentacles to not only “infect” zombies with its own parasite, creating “super” zombies but it can utilize them to traverse the environment with great speed, explaining why the Nemesis can be at one point and then another in such a short space of time.

It can use heavy weapons such as a flamethrower and a rocket launcher to target and attack the player at certain points during the game.

Second Form


Nemesis Type 2

After being subjected to a series of explosions derived from rockets, flamethrower fuel, tankers, gas stations and explosives, the Nemesis’ coat is almost fully destroyed. It's through the final combination of Mikhail’s retaliation on the train, the restrictive gear completely burning off, and the regulation device on his chest breaking that causes Nemesis to drastically mutate. The NE-α parasite's regenerative capabilities have gone wild and the transformation is a result of Nemesis being unable to maintain a humanoid form through the regenerative process.

In this form, the Nemesis is more like a wild animal, becoming quadrupedal and more feral. It is at least three times bigger, its one eye disappears, bones become thicker and denser, his muscle mass significantly increased, hands and feet become claws that can effectively buckle the floor though it can still grasp. On his extremities and back are now spiny ridges resembling vertebrae fins on some fish. In this form, Nemesis can sense the position of prey which gives the player limited time to attack. It solely relies on its brute strength and speed to fight the player which it does by swiping, leaping and charging. Though its speed has greatly increased, its transformation caused it to lose some of its intelligence.

When the Nemesis' left hand was broken by a large iron door, it replaced its arm with a giant tentacle within seconds, stabbing and infecting Jill. Later, the tentacle became very thick and flexible enough that Nemesis used it as its primary weapon to grab or attack its targets.

Third Form

After being submerged in extremely corrosive chemicals, the Nemesis mutates further and absorbs the other corpses present in the room, notably that of zombies and Hunters. Nemesis first arrives in a huge slug-like cocoon form that opens up to reveal a larger body that extends out to cover and infest a large portion of the room where the final battle takes place. Nemesis in this form has two large, multi segmented arms that it uses to attack its target. It retains its head and exposed jaw, albeit in a larger size with multiple rows of teeth. One bite from Nemesis is strong enough to instantly kill a human being.

There are large blisters on the body, which seem to be weak spots possibly created by the chemicals the creature is exposed to. The main body is large and blob-like with Nemesis' ribs completely exposed and with his heart more prominent. In this form, Nemesis is practically impervious to all standard weapons and explosives. Only the experimental electromagnetic gun FINGER can harm it.



  1. Excerpt from Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.78: "寄生生物「NE-α型」――通称ネメシスによって外部から悩を制御させることで、 T-ウィルスの副次的作用である知性の著しい低下を克服した最新B.O.W.。 ベースとなっているのは、 すでにある程度の完成度を持つ量産型タイラントだが、 被支配関係にあるネメシスが分泌する細胞賦活成分の影響で、 その外観はより怪物じみたものへと変容している。 思考能力は徒来のB.O.W.にくらべ格段に高く、 自己の判断で継続的に任務を遂行するほか、 ロケットランチャーなど専門的な知識を必要とする武装を、 状況に応じて使いわけることさえも可能。 全身を包むコートは防弾・耐爆仕様で、 万一の爆走を抑える拘束衣の役割をも果たしている。"
  2. Excerpt from Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.79: "寄生生物ネメシスの分沁物により、 通常のタイラントをはるかに越える再生能力を獲得した追跡者「ネメシスーT型」であるが、 ふたつの生物が共存する関係上その遺伝情報は安定しているとは言いがたく、 肉体の損傷を治癒する過程で、 異形は加速度的に進行していく。 ダメージの蓄積により上半身のコートを失ったこの第2形態では、 拘束から解き放たれた触手が肥大して攻撃性を高め、 また延髄から中枢神経や脳幹を侵食するネメシス本体も大型化して、 危機的状況に適応を図っているのが見てとれる。 もはやその腕は火器の使用に適さない形状となったが、 複数の触手はそれをおぎなってあまりある強力な攻撃手段である。"
  3. Excerpt from Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.80: "タイラントにしばしば発生する、 限界を越えたダメージによる形態の劇的変化と知能レベルの減退――この兵器としての致命的欠陥を、 ネメシス-T型はダメージ耐性の向上により解決したかに思われていた。しかし、 連動するタイラントの頭脳を破壊されるに及んで、 生存本能がアンブレラの施したコントロールを上まわり、 あらゆる制御が不可能な、 この暴走状態に突入したと推測される。その姿はもはや、 タイラントの原型をとどめてはいない。 欠損した手足は触手の異常発達によって代用され、 頭部はネメシスそれ自体が捕食・吸収のための器官を形成している。 急速に成長した巨体は、 タイラントとネメシスそれぞれの細胞が主導権を奪い合っていびつに変形し、 肩から背中にかけて膨れ上がった水疱からは、 処理ルームの廃液より取りこんだと思われる毒素を含んだ強酸性の膿が絶えずまき散らされている。異形となり果てた怪物に残る思考はただひとつ、 STARSの――ジルの抹殺のみである。".
  1. Resident Evil 2 (1998), file: "Film C".
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.78.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.79.
  4. Complete Conquest of Nemesis, p.80.