Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki
Prime universe
(Capcom's primary storyline)
Further notes

The Neptune (development code: "FI-03") series of B.O.W.s were mutated sharks, created specifically to test the effects of the experimental t-Virus on sea creatures.[2] It was named after the Roman God of the Sea, referencing the great white sharkWP's reputation as the "King of the Seas".[3]


The Neptune project began early on in the Arklay Laboratory's research into animal bioweapons. As their test subjects they transported several adult great white sharks and infected them with the α strain. The research team was disappointed with the results, with little significant change. Much of the research team moved on to other projects and most of the subjects were disposed of. A female was left for continued research when it was discovered she was pregnant. The staff monitored her carry twelve pups, but ten died soon after hatching. The remaining two survived and were subject to further study into the possibility of creating self-fertilising B.O.W.s as an alternative to cloning.[4][excerpt 1]

Mansion Incident and Raccoon City

During the viral outbreak in the Arklay Laboratory, a mother Neptune and her spawn were inadvertently released from their water tanks by a scientist, who had suddenly "gone mad" and destroyed the tanks, badly flooding the entire Aqua Ring.[5] These sharks were later killed when the entire aquatic lab was drained, exposing them to the air. With only minimal enhancements to their bodies, they lacked any deserving mutation to survive.[6]

Several Neptunes were discovered in the Circular River during the 1998 Raccoon City Destruction Incident and attempted to prey on people at the jetty adjacent to Raccoon City; how these sharks made their way into the river is unknown. They were presumably killed when Raccoon City was destroyed.[7][excerpt 2]


Umbrella was disappointed with the creation of Neptune. The t-Virus did not significantly improve the already impressive strength of ordinary great whites, and they were still helpless out of the water.[2] Despite these setbacks however, Umbrella began producing its earlier models on a large scale at its Caucasus Laboratory regardless of quality, and had at least three in captivity at the time it fell to an outbreak in 2003.[8]



  1. Excerpt from Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.49:
    "ホオジロザメにクレイウィルスα型を使用して開発された初期のBOW。 しかし実験の結果、 クレイウィルスは鮫のような原始的な生物に対しては即効性が薄く、 大した強化も期待できないことが判明したため、 実験体は途中放棄され経過観察用に一匹を除いてすべて処分された。 B.O.W.としてとくに成功したものではないが、 特筆すべきがこのネプチューンより第2世代が産まれたことである。 鮫は卵胎性の生物だ。 ウィルス感染前に実験体は身籠っていたのだろう。 クレイウィルスによって変化した母鮫は数十匹の子を産んだが、 2匹を残し幼体はすべて体の急激な変化に耐えられずに死んだ。 しかし残った2匹には母体と同様にウィルスによる変化が確認されたのだ。 クレイウィルスが母体を通して胎児に与える影響を得られた貴重な例である。 BOW生産はクローニングに頼っているが将来、 自己性殖可能な生物兵器が誕生する可能性もある。"
  2. Excerpt from BIOHAZARD OUTBREAK Official Guidebook, p.057:
    "ホオジロザメをベースにアンブレラが開発していたB.O.W.。 本作に登場する個体は野生化したものと推測される。 ラクーン大学郊外の桟橋近辺に出現し、 橋を渡ろうとする人間を襲う。".
  1. 1.0 1.1 Takeo (ed.), Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.48.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), file: "Neptune Notes".
  3. CLUB96, FILE 28: Neptune.
  4. Takeo (ed.), Inside of BIO-HAZARD, p.49.
  5. Resident Evil (2002), file: "Keeper's Diary".
  6. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), "Neptune Notes".
  7. BIOHAZARD OUTBREAK Official Guidebook, p.057.
  8. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), "Umbrella's End"