The Peseta (currency symbol: Pta/Pts, ₧, or Pt) is a currency formerly used by Spain between 1869 to 2002 when it was replaced with the Euro. Due to the isolated nature of Valdelobos, Pesetas from disparate printings were kept in circulation as late as 2004. These included coins printed during the reign of Alfonso XII (1886-1931) and Juan Carlos I (1975-2014) and Francisco Franco's regime (1936-1975)
The pesetas are shown in the form of small purses full of coins. They are used in the main story and in Separate Ways to buy weapons, items, and to tune up or repair equipment from the Merchant.
They can be found as random or scripted drops from enemies and breakable containers, the player can also sell items or treasure to the Merchant for pesetas.