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Phone Call from Annette to Sherry 3 is an audio log file that can be found in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.




Sherry: Please...pick up the phone...! Mom !?

Annette: Sherry, I'm sorry. I'm running a little late.

Sherry: There's no one at the police station ! Where is everyone? What is going on !?

Annette: Are you OK? You're not hurt are you ?

Sherry: On the way here was really strange ! Everything was a mess, but there was no people around. Where is everyone? What's going on, mommy !?

Annette: Sherry, just calm down and listen to me, OK? ? Something terrible is happening. The reason the city is like this has to do with mommy's job. But it wasn't my fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. There was an accident...yes, a really big accident. But don't be scared honey, if you stay in the Police Station, you'll be safe. Mommy is going to keep you safe, that I promise you.

Sherry: ...Where's daddy ? Is he with you in the lab ? Is he OK ? He hasn't called and he didn't come home last night either. Are you there ?

Annette: ...I'm sure Daddy is already in a safe place. We'll be able to meet him when everything calms down.

Sherry: You promise ?

Annette: I promise. Just trust me, sweetie.

Sherry: OK, I trust you...I just wanted to hear this...M-Mommy ?

Annette: What's wrong ?

Sherry: I heard something...A strange sound, like...a monster growling...!

Annette: Oh my god, already ?...Sherry, where are you exactly !?

Sherry: What do you mean ?

Annette: Which phone are you calling from !?

Sherry: Uh... Um, it looks like the front desk...There's a big statue of a woman.

Annette: Listen to me. Go up to the 2nd floor and find a place to hide, there should be a room with heavy doors. Get inside that room, hide and then stay very quiet.

Sherry: OK... What about you mommy ?

Annette: I'm going there too. Do not get near anyone until I get there. Even if someone comes in that room, just keep hiding and stay very quiet. Don't talk to anyone, OK ?

Sherry: Mom... Hurry.

Annette: ...I will honey, I promise, I love you.

Sherry: 「お願い……出て……!」
「ママ!? ママなの?」

Annette: 「シェリー、ごめんなさいママ、少し遅れるわ」

Sherry: 「警察署に誰もいない!」

Annette: 「あなた怪我はない? 無事なのね?」

Sherry: 「途中の道もヘンだった!」
「みんなどこへ行ったの? どうなってるの!?」

Sherry: 「…パパは? パパはどうしたの?」

Annette: …「パパなら、もう安全な場所に、先に行ったわ」

Sherry: 「本当に?」

Annette: 「本当よ。ママを信じないの?」

Sherry: 「信じるけど…パパの声も聞きたかっ…?」

Annette: 「今、何?」

Sherry: 「なんか…ヘンな音、オオカミみたいな、吠える声がしたの」

Annette: 「まさかもう……」

Sherry: 「え?」

Annette: 「どこの電話を使ってるの!?」

Sherry: 「あ…えと、受付みたいな……大きな女神様の置物があるわ」

Annette: 「いい?そこから2階に上がって、」

Sherry: 「うん…ママは?」

Annette: 「ママも行くわ。でも、それまでは絶対、誰にも近づいちゃだめよ」

Sherry: 「わかった…早くきて」

Annette: 「愛してるわシェリー。いいわね、隠れてるのよ!」

