Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki

"A red herb that can be combined with
other herbs to enhance their effects.
It cannot be used by itself.
— Inventory description - English
— Inventory description - Japanese

Red Herb is an item in Resident Evil 4.


Just like Most other Games in the series, the Red herb is a healing item that can't be used on its own, instead it is used to enhance the efficacy of other healing items, Chiefly, the Green herb.

The red herb can be mixed with a Green herbs to massively increase the healing potential of the mix, oftentimes fully healing the player character in a single use, or when they have the maximum amount of health, healing most of their health.

The Red herb can be mixed with a green herb, a yellow herb or both for an incredibly potent healing mix that will also increase your maximum health.

