Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, formerly referred to as "Resident Evil 6", is a 3-D science-fiction action/horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. It is the sixth and final installment in a series of film adaptations based loosely on Capcom's survival horror video game series Resident Evil.
It was initially planned to be released to theaters on September 12, 2014,[2][3] but was pushed back to September 2, 2016, and finally January 27, 2017. Filming started in August 2015.[4][5]
The song "Paradise City" by the hard rock band Guns N' Roses was featured heavily in the trailers and promotional material for the film, but neither appears on the soundtrack nor in the film itself.
The Blu-Ray and 4K releases also include "Retaliation Mode" (a thirty-minute commentary with writer/director Paul W.S. Anderson and Milla Jovovich on key moments of the film), an additional featurette ("Stunts & Weaponry") and a sneak peek at Resident Evil: Vendetta.[7]