Resident Evil is a German-American television series created by Andrew Dabb and Martin Moszkowicz of Constantin Television. The series is set in its own continuity separate from either the previous Anderson film series or the 2021 film Welcome to Raccoon City.[3] the setting of the series being the lead-up and the years after a global T-Virus pandemic.[4] The series revolves around Billie and Jade, half-twin sisters created as part of a secret project by their adopted father, Albert Wesker. It consists of eight 60 minute episodes, filming for which began in February 2021 and wrapped in July,[5] The overall budget of the series was $80 million.[6] On August 27, Netflix announced the series would not be renewed for a second season.[7]
"Nearly three decades after the discovery of the T-virus, an outbreak reveals the Umbrella Corporation's dark secrets. Based on the horror franchise." — The official Netflix summary from August.
The series' main plot is spread out over two periods in time - 2022 and 2036, separated by a gap of some 14 years.[5] The "past" plotline deals with the struggles of 14 year old half-twins Billie and Jade Wesker, adopted children raised by Al Wesker, an Umbrella senior researcher. Their lives take a dramatic turn when Al is transferred to the company's headquarters in New Raccoon City, South Africa, a planned community entirely under the control of the company. While there the two girls stumble onto the dark secrets behind Umbrella's dark legacy after Billie falls sick after an animal attack. Al meanwhile is dealing with a T-virus outbreak in Tijuana and the launch of the new drug, Joy.
In the present of 2036, the virus has long since spread across the world, mutating most of the population into creatures called "Zeroes". Human civilization has been reduced to tens of millions of refugees living in a series of isolated city states, with the most powerful remnant being controlled by Umbrella's paramilitary. Billie and Jade have spent the pandemic living separately, with Jade fleeing to Europe and becoming a leading expert on Zero biology and Billie growing up in Umbrella's domain. While Jade has long believed her sister to be dead, Billie has risen to a senior rank within the corporate hierarchy and is involved in a global manhunt for Jade.