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"6 years have passed since the biological disaster in Raccoon City. Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, has been recruited as an agent reporting directly to the president of the United States. With the experience of multiple missions on his back, Leon is sent to rescue the president's kidnapped daughter. He tracks her to a secluded European village, where there is something terribly wrong with the villagers. And the curtain rises on this story of daring rescue and grueling horror."
— Official website synopsis

6 Years After Raccoon City[]

In an unknown location deep within the Valdelobos village, a group of Los Iluminados cult members surround a young woman marked with sacrilegious symbols. They prepare to sacrifice her on an altar while chanting mantras and prayers. The woman is forced onto a stone altar where a cult member decapitates her, allowing her blood to soak into the cult's symbol.

The story takes place six years after the Raccoon City Destruction incident. One of the survivors, Leon Scott Kennedy, recounts his experiences during the city's widespread outbreak when he was a rookie cop. He reflects on that day as the death of his inner cop and expresses deep regret over the enormous casualties that followed the government's sterilization efforts, blaming Umbrella and its Bio-Organic Weapons (BOWs).

Afterward, Leon is compelled to become a government agent and undergoes training in a top-secret program. He endures grueling training sessions and participates in punishing missions, honing his skills in weapon handling and close-quarters combat under the guidance of Major Jack Krauser.

Arriving at Valdelobos[]

In 2004, Leon is dispatched to Valdelobos, a remote mountainous village in Spain. The US Secret Service receives credible intelligence suggesting that Ashley Graham, codenamed Baby Eagle and the kidnapped daughter of President Graham, was last seen in the area. Leon is joined by two local officers from the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía to assist in the search. During the car ride, Officer Mario Fernandez Castaño informs Leon about the frequent disappearances in the region, including a group of hikers who went missing the previous week. Upon reaching the remote location, Officer Castaño excuses himself into the forest, but goes further in upon hearing strange sounds, deciding to investigate their source. Concerned about his prolonged absence, Leon ventures outside to search for the officer while the other officer remains in the car.

Following Castaño's muddy and bloodied trail, Leon comes across an old, rundown Hunter's Lodge. Inside the lodge, he explores the surroundings and encounters a resident who exhibits peculiar behavior and mutters to himself. Leon asks the man in Spanish if he has seen the missing officer, but receives no response. While examining the room, he notices Officer Castaño's bloodstained badge and is suddenly attacked by the apparently deranged man. Despite narrowly dodging the attack, Leon inadvertently breaks the man's neck. Hearing Officer Castaño's screams, Leon follows the sound to the basement, where he discovers the officer's mutilated corpse and hears distress signals emanating from the radio before the transmission becomes distorted. In the basement, Leon hears a sudden noise from upstairs and encounters the villager, who, despite his broken neck, approaches Leon with tentacles sprouting from his wounds. Leon manages to kill the man.

Returning to the main part of the lodge, Leon encounters a gathering of other men. He takes cover in another room, where he finds evidence indicating that Ashley is being held in Lake Lago, the lake area of Valdelobos. Leon contacts his agency's support operative, Ingrid Hunnigan, to inform her of his discovery. With a lead in hand, Leon evades his pursuers by jumping out of a window and proceeds deeper into the village square. There, he witnesses the ritualistic burning and execution of the remaining police officer by the villagers. Soon, Leon finds himself surrounded by the villagers of Valdelobos, including a crazed man wearing a sack as a mask and wielding a chainsaw. Leon seeks refuge in a nearby house, which the villagers and the chainsaw-wielding maniac quickly break into. However, Leon manages to buy himself enough time until the church bell tolls, causing the villagers to become docile, drop their weapons, and retreat back to the Town Hall. Outside, Leon stands puzzled by the villagers' actions, feeling confused about the recent events.

Alone in the Village Square, Hunnigan contacts Leon and informs him of a path to the lake near the large windmill. Following the trail, Leon is attacked by numerous farmers and a brute ganado wearing a bull's head. Upon reaching his destination, Leon hears banging noises and discovers a ganado nailing wooden planks against a cellar door. Removing the boards, he enters the cellar and finds a captured man writhing inside a body bag. Leon releases the man named Luis Serra, but their rescue attempt is intercepted by Bitores Méndez, the chief of the local village. Méndez disarms Leon and throws him across the room, rendering him incapacitated. In his unconscious state, Méndez approaches and injects him with the egg of Las Plagas.

Deeper Into the Village[]

In his incapacitated state, Leon catches a glimpse of the cult leader, Osmund Saddler, who presents him with their "most sacred body," signaling the beginning of a process.

When Leon regains consciousness, he finds himself restrained alongside Luis. Luis reveals that he knows about Leon's search for the missing "Señorita" and informs him that there has been talk of moving Ashley to another location, specifically the old chapel in a different part of the village. Before they can delve further into the conversation, a ganado enters the room and attacks them. Despite the struggle, Leon and Luis manage to overpower the ganado by entangling it with their chains. Leon pulls his chain forcefully, breaking the ganado's neck. Luis retrieves the key and frees himself first, with Leon following suit. After their escape, Leon contacts Hunnigan to share his recent discovery about Ashley's new whereabouts and asks her to conduct a background check on Luis due to his suspicious demeanor.

Making their way out of the confinement area, Leon encounters a character known as The Merchant. The Merchant is a shrewd businessman who offers upgrades and enhancements for Leon's weapons, as well as new gear and items, while also providing the option to trade valuable items for currency. Continuing his journey, Leon navigates through the treacherous terrain and enters the manor of the village chief, Méndez. While searching the manor, Leon finds a key that is necessary for progressing to the chapel. However, his advancement is interrupted by Méndez. Despite Leon's attempt to shoot him, Méndez shows no visible signs of injury and retaliates by attempting to strangle him. In the midst of the struggle, Méndez notices that Leon's plaga parasite is developing and declares that "his blood has accepted the gift." Suddenly, an unidentified woman outside the window shoots Méndez in the head. Méndez releases Leon and gives chase after the woman, leaving Leon perplexed by the notion of the "gift" Méndez mentioned.

Crossing Lake Lago[]

After recovering from the attack, Hunnigan contacts Leon and sends her report on Luis, which infuriates Leon when he discovers Luis's past association with Umbrella. He regrets not leaving him to his fate and learns that Luis worked for Umbrella's research division, where he was highly regarded among his peers. However, all the drugs he developed were discontinued before reaching the market. Luis eventually resigned from Umbrella, and despite efforts to locate him following the Raccoon City Destruction, he managed to evade detection. As evening approaches, Leon returns to the Village Square only to find the tower destroyed, blocking his path to the chapel. He ventures through the town hall and reaches a locked church surrounded by a graveyard. Leon realizes that Ashley is being held inside, but the key to the church is hidden on the other side of Lake Lago to impede his progress. While observing the lake, Leon witnesses Ganados dumping officer Castaño's body into the water, where it is devoured by a mutated creature called Del Lago. Leon locates a boat but discovers it lacks fuel. He retrieves fuel from the processing building near the fish farm and sets off on the lake. However, the boat malfunctions, leaving Leon stranded. He narrowly avoids attacks from Del Lago and manages to trap the creature's fin with the boat's anchor. A fierce battle ensues, and Leon emerges victorious as Del Lago sinks beneath the lake's surface. Exhausted and injured, Leon coughs up blood before losing consciousness on the boat.

Rescuing Ashley Graham[]

Once again, Leon experiences visions of the cult leader Saddler, who proudly declares that he and Ashley will join his coven and receive his holy blessing. Saddler infests Leon with more parasites, causing him intense pain before he wakes up in the same location. Leon steers his boat back to the mainland, and after three hours of radio silence, Hunnigan contacts him again. As night falls, Leon navigates through the area and encounters a Ganado with a parasite bursting from its head, now equipped with tentacle razor blades. He ventures through a cave filled with shrines and murals, including one depicting Lake Lago. Finally obtaining the key to the church, Leon begins his return journey. Along the way, he comes across the corpses of the two missing hikers with bloody markings, including the girl who was sacrificed on the stone altar.

On his way back, Leon is forced to battle against another mutated creature, El Gigante, and manages to defeat it as the creature lies lifeless on the ground. He eventually reaches the church and enters the premises, where he finds Ashley's belongings scattered around. Leon approaches the room where Ashley is confined, and she attempts to attack him with a candlestick. Leon disarms her and assures her that he intends to rescue her. However, as they step outside the room, they see hordes of ganados, the villagers, approaching them, as commanded by Saddler in their vision to "deliver them to salvation." Ashley and Leon remain cautious as they draw closer to the oncoming threat.

The Villagers' Onslaught[]

Inside the church, Ashley expresses her concerns about their precarious situation, but Leon reassures her and asks her to trust him, just as her father did when he entrusted her safety to him. Reluctantly, Ashley agrees, and they venture outside the church. Leon contacts Hunnigan to inform her of their success in rescuing the target, and she arranges for a helicopter to extract them, providing coordinates for their rendezvous.

As they make their way to the extraction point, heavy rainfall begins to pour. Leon and Ashley reach the location only to find themselves surrounded by hordes of ganados. In the distance, Luis signals for them to seek shelter inside a cabin, and they hastily enter for safety. Still harboring anger over his discovery of Luis's past, Leon confronts him and attempts to interrogate him. However, their conversation is interrupted as the ganados start closing in on the cabin. Leon and Luis hide Ashley while Leon defends against the relentless assault from the hostiles. After enduring the onslaught, Ashley discovers an escape route, and the trio flees the premises, with Leon shooting the chains off to close the wooden portcullis and cut off their pursuers.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, Ashley begins to cough up blood. Luis approaches and asks if this is her first experience of coughing up blood. He explains that it is a symptom of Las Plagas, the same parasite that has infected the villagers and enslaved them. Ashley is distraught by the revelation. However, Luis informs them that there is a surgical procedure that can remove the parasite. He bears scars across his chest as evidence that he once had the parasite forcibly implanted but successfully removed it. Luis reveals that he has a plan that will require their trust, though they are hesitant. Leon questions his motives for helping, and Luis simply replies that it makes him feel better. Luis departs, promising to contact them again later.

Village Chief's Pursuit[]

Luis trudges through the rainy terrain and unexpectedly encounters Ada Wong, who was believed to have perished during the Raccoon City incident. Ada inquires about his progress in acquiring the "Amber" and reminds him that without it, he won't receive protection. Luis assures her that he will retrieve the "Amber" and mentions that he also needs to collect something else.

Meanwhile, Hunnigan contacts Leon to inform him that the helicopter won't be able to reach their location due to the deteriorating weather. She expresses a desire to provide more assistance, but Leon reassures her that they will safely make it back. The duo presses on, venturing deeper into the region.

On their journey, they are suddenly ambushed by more ganados, including two frenzied female ganados armed with chainsaws. Leon and Ashley pass through a checkpoint area where they are once again attacked by the village chief, Méndez, and find themselves being pursued throughout the area, with other villagers hindering their escape at every turn. Leon and Ashley cross a narrow and fragile wooden passage along the edge of a cliff, where Ashley's leg becomes trapped in the wooden planks. To buy her time, Leon shoots the ganado chasing them, causing the entire passage to collapse. Nevertheless, they both manage to reach the other side. Leon watches as the village chief walks away, continuing his relentless pursuit.

Leon and Ashley navigate through an old and decrepit slaughterhouse, where Leon is unexpectedly ambushed by the village chief. Méndez demands that they cease their struggle and submit to the cult's will. Aware that a confrontation is inevitable, Leon urges Ashley to escape from the area while he hurls a fuel tank at the chief and detonates it. However, the explosion barely fazes Méndez, who reveals his mutated form, and a fierce battle ensues. As the fight intensifies, Leon successfully separates Méndez's body in half, but the upper body mutates even further and launches a ferocious attack. Ultimately, Méndez perishes while Leon survives his final encounter with the village chief. Outside, Ashley breaks a nearby window for Leon to escape the burning building. Leon expresses his gratitude to Ashley for saving him, and the pair moves away from the structure, drawing the attention of others to the flames. They proceed toward the castle and enter the area just as the gate behind them slowly rises and locks them in.

Salazar's Castle[]

Upon entering the castle, Luis contacts Leon and offers a suppressant that can slow down the progression of the parasite. He suggests that the three of them meet in the castle's courtyard and sends Leon a document about the use of specific drugs in the early stages of the plaga's growth. The document is presented and questioned by Head Researcher Anabel García Escudero and Researcher Ryan Chen. It explains that the initial symptoms of the plaga include mild abdominal pain, hemoptysis, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. The suppressant developed can inhibit the parasite's growth but cannot eliminate it from the host.

As Leon continues his journey, he notices a heavily guarded entrance with numerous cult members and artillery. Along the way, he encounters different types of plagas with heads erupting with wide jaws and four mandibles. He faces resistance from the armed artillery at the entrance but manages to use the cannon to blow open the entrance door and seeks shelter inside. In the castle, Leon and Ashley come face to face with the castellan, Ramón Salazar, who demands that Ashley be handed over to spread the parasite worldwide according to Saddler's will. Leon and Ashley refuse the demand, but they encounter resistance from the zealots. Nevertheless, they find a way to escape.

Deep in the castle's torture chamber, Leon discovers horrifying sights and mutilated bodies, as well as notes from the previous caretaker. While exploring, Leon accidentally falls through a weakened wooden floorboard and encounters a restrained Garrador. He realizes that the man's eyes are sewn shut, but he has developed heightened hearing abilities. Eventually, the Garrador breaks free and goes after Leon, forcing him to defend himself. After escaping the chamber, Leon and Ashley continue to navigate through the castle.

As they fight their way past Salazar's armed men, they reach the courtyard where Ashley's symptoms worsen. Ashley collapses in Leon's arms, and to his surprise, a puppet-controlled version of Ashley takes hold of his knife and attempts to attack him but fails. Before Leon can react, a gate separates them, and Ashley regains control, horrified by what she has done. Fearing that she may harm Leon again, Ashley runs away from him.

Meeting Ada Wong[]

After the tense situation, Leon contacts Hunnigan to inform her of recent events, but their signal gradually breaks up, leaving Leon in the dark. As he retraces his steps, trying to locate Ashley within the castle, he unexpectedly encounters Ada. Ada notices his lack of surprise at her supposed death six years ago and holds him at gunpoint. However, Leon manages to disarm her and gain the upper hand. Curious about the organization she now works for, Leon questions Ada, but she playfully evades his inquiries. After regaining their composure, Ada suggests that Leon abandon Ashley, whom she believes is doomed, in the hopes of another encounter with her. However, Leon firmly rejects the proposal. Running out of time, Ada proposes continuing their discussion at a later date and escapes through a window.

During his journey, Leon encounters another variation of the parasite that gains mobility and attaches itself to individuals, controlling them to behave erratically and launch frenzied attacks. He is forced to battle a heavily armored El Gigante on top of the castle. With no direct means of attack, Leon maneuvers around the creature as it hurls rocks at him. Eventually, Leon discovers a cannon and uses it to target the creature, causing a fatal blow to its eye and bringing it down. Continuing his progress, Leon is unexpectedly ambushed by the creature but manages to evade its grasp, leading to its demise.

While exploring, Leon finds Ashley in a secluded room, visibly upset. He attempts to approach her, but she recoils in fear, concerned about being controlled again. Leon tries to reassure her, and Ashley notices his symptoms, realizing that he has been infected as well. Leon comforts her, emphasizing that it's okay to be afraid but encouraging her to keep moving forward. He assures her that they will both survive, even though Ashley is uncertain about the possibility. Nonetheless, she appreciates Leon's words of encouragement.

Saving Leon[]

After an emotional moment of connection between the two, Leon is puzzled by Luis's absence but receives a contact from him, requesting help in the ballroom beyond the courtyard. Leon sets off to reach the designated location. However, upon arrival, they find the door locked, prompting them to search the castle for the necessary pieces to unlock it. Along the way, they encounter Armaduras, armors inhabited by plagas, which they must contend with. As they gather the required pieces and input them, Ashley notices a group of zealots approaching, and Leon prepares to defend them. Unfortunately, one of the zealots traps Leon in a cage, leaving Ashley vulnerable to pursuit. Leon urges Ashley to flee, and while he fights off his own assailants and countless others, Ashley manages to escape and locks herself in a room. Determined not to run away, she decides to find a way to free Leon from his enclosure.

Ashley navigates through dilapidated rooms, encountering more Armaduras. However, she discovers that she can ward them off using the light from a lantern. Making her way to the floor above, Ashley reassures Leon that she will find a way to free him as she continues her search. Eventually, she acquires the item needed to release Leon but faces relentless pursuit from numerous Armaduras as she makes her way back. Despite the challenges, she successfully opens the door and finds the corpse of the zealot who had trapped Leon. To her surprise, she discovers that the zealot held the key to Leon's cage, which she throws to him. Just as Leon is about to unlock his enclosure, he hears Ashley being abducted by Salazar's servant, Verdugo. Desperate to stop Verdugo, Leon fires bullets at it, but the creature remains unfazed. Helplessly, Leon watches as Ashley is carried away to an unknown location.

Salazar's Underground Laboratory[]

Outside the castle, Ada contacts her employer to provide an update on her progress. She informs them that she hasn't been able to retrieve the "Amber" yet but mentions that Leon is assisting her in the retrieval process. Her employer agrees to keep Leon on board for further assistance. After the call ends, Ada notices Verdugo carrying Ashley towards the throne room and quickly informs Leon. Trapped in his cage, Leon receives the tip from Ada but before he can ask for more information, she abruptly ends the call.

On his way to the throne room, Leon encounters Novistadors, creatures created from the combination of the parasite and the womb developed by Salazar's servant, Isidro Uriarte Talavera. Upon reaching the throne room, Leon witnesses Ashley being held down by zealots, their bodies marked with blood. However, before he can take any action, Verdugo tramples him. Helplessly, Leon watches as Ashley is forcefully made to drink a black liquid, claimed by Salazar to intensify her suffering. Ashley writhes in pain as her symptoms worsen.

Having satisfied his sadistic intentions by showing Leon the extent of Ashley's suffering, Salazar bids farewell and orders Verdugo to throw Leon into a hole below, causing distress to Ashley. Falling into the abyss, Leon manages to save himself by grabbing onto a chain previously used for executing zealots. As he descends further into the cave, Leon begins the arduous task of making his way back to the surface and eventually stumbles upon an Underground Laboratory. There, he discovers notes left by Isidro, who proclaims himself to have transcended the limitations of humanity and become one of Salazar's devoted servants and the executor, Verdugo.

Inside the laboratory, Leon becomes the target of a relentless pursuit by Verdugo, who stalks and hunts him relentlessly. As Leon struggles to restore power to escape the lab, he manages to survive his encounter with Verdugo. Finally, an elevator descends to his floor, and Leon finds Luis waiting with the suppressants. As he waits to reach his floor, Leon's Plaga symptoms worsen, and he experiences disturbing visions of a man receiving orders from Saddler to "deliver these vagrant children to their salvation." Upon arriving in the mines, Leon sees Luis standing by with the suppressants, ready to provide much-needed assistance.

Travelling through the Mines[]

After injecting himself with the suppressants, Luis warns Leon that the effects of the suppressant will not last long. However, Leon is determined that rescuing Ashley is still the top priority and is willing to risk his life to complete the mission. Luis, referring to himself as Leon's "Sancho Panza," decides to accompany him in the effort to rescue "Princess Dulcinea." Along the way, Leon expresses his lack of trust in someone who used to work for Umbrella, but Luis assures him that the company is finished and that he is willing to help Leon to make amends.

Moving forward, Leon and Luis discover a path that leads to the Blast Furnace. In this area, Leon is suddenly grabbed by another El Gigante. Luis tries to pull him back, but the force of the giant's grasp drags them both. Luis manages to save Leon from its clutches, and Leon warns him about the imminent attack from a second El Gigante. The two engage in a battle against the two creatures, utilizing the environment to their advantage. With their combined efforts, they succeed in slaying the El Gigantes.

After the fight, Leon expresses his surprise that the creatures were being kept in the mines. Luis explains that the grounds are considered sacred by the cult and that the parasites are discovered and preserved inside ancient ambers. With no other viable path forward, Leon and Luis decide to ride the minecarts through the unstable mines, where they are pursued by various Ganados. They also pass by the Novistadors' hive. At the end of the track, Leon and Luis are forced to jump for their safety and face off against numerous hostiles. Finally reaching the lift, the pair boards it, and as they ascend, Leon urges Luis to confess his past involvement with Los Iluminados and to help them as a way to make amends.

Upon reaching the surface, Luis is suddenly stabbed in the back by Jack Krauser, who was believed to be dead. This revelation shocks and betrays Leon, as he realizes that Krauser has been the mole responsible for Ashley's kidnapping and has willingly worked for the cult. Krauser retrieves the sample and engages Leon in a close-quarters combat duel, wielding a knife. Amidst the fight, Leon attempts to reason with Krauser and understand his motives. Krauser reveals that two years prior, he and his unit were part of Operation Javier, which resulted in the death of all his comrades. He believes that the government allowed their deaths to occur, and he seeks revenge for their loss. Leon is ultimately defeated in the fight against Krauser, but Luis manages to save him by shooting Krauser's knife away. Disappointed in Leon's lack of change, he leaves the scene. Severely injured, Luis collapses to the ground and gives Leon the key to his lab, where they can remove the parasites. He tells Leon that people can change, and with regret, Leon watches as Luis succumbs to his wounds and passes away.

End of Salazar[]

Determined to avenge Luis' death, Leon separates from him and boards the lift to the surface to confront Krauser. Inside the lift, Ada provides another tip about Ashley's location, which has been moved to the Clock Tower. She informs Leon that there is still time to save her. Leon sarcastically remarks that Ada isn't heartless after all.

Upon reaching the Clock Tower, Salazar commands his zealots to stop Leon as he ascends to the top. From the top, Leon witnesses Salazar delivering Ashley to Krauser inside the building and quickly follows their trail. Inside, Salazar hands over Ashley to Krauser while reminding him to declare his loyalty to the cause. Before Leon can reach them, Krauser carries Ashley away with the drawbridge raised, leaving Salazar to confront Leon alone. Salazar taunts Leon, but Leon has had enough of his games. He shoots Salazar in the chest and head, causing him to fall below.

Despite Salazar's demise, Leon continues to hear his laughter as he confronts the mutated form of Salazar. Leon navigates the environment, attempting to defeat him. Salazar cries out for Saddler's help but eventually succumbs to the injuries inflicted by Leon.

Emerging from the building, Leon sees Krauser piloting a boat with Ashley as his passenger. Leon hurries to the dock, where Ada appears with the key to another boat.

Infiltrating the Island[]

During the boat ride, Leon opens up to Ada about how he and the world have changed since the destruction of Raccoon City. He reflects on the difficult choices he has had to make, where saving one life often comes at the cost of many others. Leon questions whether Ada has also changed or if she continues to use him for her own agenda, as she did six years ago. However, Ada remains silent and leaves Leon to pilot the boat to the docking point.

Arriving on the rocky shores, Leon witnesses heavily fortified defenses and sees Krauser taking Ashley inside the base. Determined to rescue her, Leon successfully infiltrates the base. He discovers that Ashley is being held in a room that requires a level access keycard. Leon sets out to find the keycard, encountering the formidable Regenerador creatures and their spiky variation, the Iron Maiden. These creatures can regenerate endlessly unless the parasites on their bodies are removed, which function as their vital organs.

After obtaining the keycard, Leon opens Ashley's cell and finds her condition deteriorating rapidly. With the last suppressant in hand, Leon injects Ashley with the serum, providing her with some temporary relief. Feeling the effects of his own suppressant wearing off, Leon wearily sits by Ashley's side, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

Race for the Summit[]

After a period of waiting, Ashley wakes up and learns about Luis's death. She vows to eliminate the parasites in their bodies as a tribute to him. Leon contacts Ada to obtain the location of Luis's laboratory, and she informs them that important facilities are usually situated at the summit. With this knowledge, the pair embarks on their journey to reach the top. When they encounter a weak wall blocking their path, Ashley takes control of a crane and attempts to demolish it with a wrecking ball. However, this attracts numerous ganados in the area, prompting Leon to buy her enough time to successfully create a hole in the wall. They then board a lift, and during the ascent, Ashley reflects on their moments of effective teamwork and expresses her desire to become an agent like Leon. However, he reminds her that their primary objective is to escape.

Upon entering the Amber Storeroom, Leon and Ashley discover the amber that contained the plaga parasites, as mentioned by Luis. Saddler and his followers reveal themselves, with Saddler introducing himself as the spokesperson for the cult. In response, Leon shoots Saddler in the eye, but the wound quickly heals. Saddler takes control of Leon and seizes Ashley, commanding her to kill Leon. Ashley struggles to resist and narrowly misses Leon while eliminating the other two followers. However, her gun jams, forcing Saddler and his followers to take Ashley away. Once they are a sufficient distance away, Leon regains control and retrieves his gun.

Inside the tent, Leon uncovers information about Operation Javier, a secret operation unknown to the public. The operation took years of planning and involved the selection of highly skilled soldiers. Unfortunately, all the participating soldiers, except for their commanding officer Krauser, died. The reason behind the operation's failure remains shrouded in secrecy, with rumors suggesting a power struggle among those in command or a direct order from the president himself. Leon also learns about the details of Ashley's abduction, including how the men involved staged engine trouble with their car, transferred Ashley to another vehicle, and subdued her before placing her in a large container for transportation. Another unit created a distraction while the remaining team infiltrated the investigation database and disabled their networks. Before leaving, Leon listens to a tape left by Krauser, who prepares for a final showdown on the bloody battlefield where the events of two years ago unfolded.

As Leon enters the battlefield, Krauser taunts him for his lack of judgment and mocks his inability to save anyone. Leon retaliates by questioning Krauser's own motives for working with the cult, highlighting the allure of power and how the cult granted that to him. They engage in a deadly fight as Leon strives to make his way toward the tower where Ashley is being held. Overpowered, Krauser begins to mutate his arm and smashes the ground, causing Leon to fall. Navigating through dark corridors, Leon reaches the entrance of the tower, but he arrives too late as the drawbridge is raised and Krauser appears behind him, now with his other arm mutated. The two engage in a fierce duel, and Leon emerges victorious, leaving Krauser incapacitated from his injuries. Accepting his impending death, Krauser tells Leon to do what he must, and Leon uses Krauser's own knife to stab him in the heart, ending his life. In his final moments, Krauser proudly acknowledges that he has trained Leon well, a sentiment Leon agrees with.

With the drawbridge lowered, Leon enters the tower, though not without casting a regretful glance back at Krauser's lifeless body.

Removing the Plagas[]

On top of the building, Leon gazes at their heavily fortified sanctuary, where Ashley is being escorted inside by Saddler's followers. As Leon navigates his way towards them, he receives assistance from Mike, who arrives in a combat chopper sent by Hunnigan. Approaching a designated landing site, Leon prepares to board the chopper, but their plans are disrupted by swarms of Novistadors surrounding the vehicle. The Novistadors cause significant damage, resulting in the chopper catching fire and crashing uncontrollably, killing Mike in the process. Filled with rage towards Saddler, Leon becomes more determined than ever to end his reign.

Upon reaching the sanctuary, Leon finds Ashley lying unconscious on a stone altar. He attempts to reach her but is confronted by Saddler, who reveals that their bodies and minds are linked through the "Holy Body" and tries to persuade Leon into accepting the gift, just like Ashley. Infuriated, Leon lunges at Saddler, but the plaga rapidly spreads through his body, threatening to take control of him. At that moment, Ada arrives and shoots at Saddler, providing Leon and Ashley with an opportunity to escape as she fends off their pursuers. With time running out, the pair stumbles their way to Luis's Laboratory, with Leon experiencing visions clouding his sight, yet remaining determined to reach their destination. Utilizing the key entrusted to him by Luis, they finally arrive at the laboratory, where the process of removing the plagas from Ashley begins, despite the excruciating pain it entails. Relieved that Ashley is now safe from harm, Leon collapses onto the floor, exhausted and overwhelmed.

Escaping the Island[]

In his incapacitated state, Ashley helps move Leon for the parasite removal procedure, which is successfully executed. With the plagas now removed, they are free from Saddler's control and grateful for Luis's assistance. In the laboratory, Leon discovers that the Amber sample has been brought back for further testing due to its unique properties. Luis finds that it contains the same organ found in Saddler, the dominant species of plaga, and speculates that when fully developed, it could rival or surpass Saddler's strength. Unfortunately, the sample was confiscated before any significant research could be conducted. Among the documents, Leon also learns about Luis's prior arrangements with Ada and his betrayal of Saddler and his followers due to the oppression faced by the island's inhabitants for generations.

Exiting the cave, Ashley expresses concern for Ada's safety, but Leon assures her that Ada will be fine. Outside, they notice Ada being held captive, intended as bait to lure Leon out. Sensing the danger, Leon leaves Ashley behind and rushes to free Ada from her restraints. However, he is soon surrounded by swarms of Novistadors, and Saddler himself appears, attempting to strangle Leon. Ada comes to his rescue, allowing them to confront the mutated Saddler. As they battle, Saddler reveals his plan to spread the plaga throughout the world, uniting humanity through the "Holy Body" created by war, suffering, and death, in order to create his idea of a paradise. Leon manages to defeat Saddler, causing him to fall into the sea below. However, Saddler mutates once again, transforming into a massive creature. Leon holds on long enough for Ada to toss him a rocket launcher, which he uses to weaken the creature. Taking advantage of the opening, Leon impales Saddler with his own staff, finally vanquishing the mutated monster.

Leon tries to retrieve the Amber, but Ada grabs it and reveals her true intentions. She explains that she made a deal and offers Leon a ride on the helicopter, but he declines, knowing that this is where they part ways. Ada departs as the island's facilities explode, and Ashley arrives, questioning why Ada left them. Before they can discuss further, Leon rushes Ashley, and the two make their way to the dock. Along the way, all of the ganados die in violent seizures due to Saddler's demise. Leon and Ashley use a water scooter left behind by Ada to navigate the collapsing cave and burning facilities. They manage to escape and witness the island's destruction. Ashley offers to put Leon under her protection, but he refuses, acknowledging her capability but suggesting that she needs more training. The two head home as Hunnigan finally establishes contact with Leon.

On the helicopter, Ada contacts her employer, Albert Wesker, demanding to know his intentions with the sample. Wesker reveals his plan to accelerate change, sacrificing a hundred lives for the benefit of one and potentially causing casualties in the billions. Shocked by the insanity of his ambitions, Ada holds the pilot at gunpoint and orders a change in their course. Looking outside, she sees Leon and Ashley making their way back home.

Relieved to hear that Leon and Ashley are safe, Hunnigan updates the report and walks away from her station, relieved and satisfied.
