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Resident Evil Wiki

Resident Evil Ultimate Choice campaign (バイオハザード究極の選択 キャンペーンを実施?) was a viral campaign made to promote the Resident Evil franchise.


The campaign was held from August 25, 2022 to September 9, 2022. To participate, users had to follow @REBHPortal and respond to the polls in the designated tweets made each day during the campaign.

Prizes consisted of $10 Amazon gift cards given to 100 winners.

Campaign tweets[]

Days Questions Answers Results
Day 1 (JP)
Day 1 (EN)
Day 2 (JP)
Day 2 (EN)
A zombie dog just jumped out at us! What would you do?


  • Tweet #Intercept
  • Tweet #RunAway
  • Tweet #迎え撃つ
  • Tweet #右往左往しながらも必死で逃げる
  • (Choosing Intercept)

Your bullet hit! But you didn't expect the second dog! It got knocked down...
『見事命中!かと思いきやまさかの2頭目!? 倒されてしまった・・・』

  • (Choosing Run Away)

You can escaped from the first dog. But you didn't expect the second dog! It got knocked down...
『逃げ切ったと思ったらまさかの2頭目!? 倒されてしまった・・・』

Day 3 (JP)
Day 3 (EN)

Day 4 (JP)
Day 4 (EN)

Three lockers in a row ... what would you do?


  • Tweet #OpenLeft
  • Tweet #OpenCenter
  • Tweet #OpenRight
  • Tweet #一番左を開ける
  • Tweet #真ん中を開ける
  • Tweet #一番右を開ける
Oh? There's something from inside... ohhhh!


Day 5 (JP)
Day 5 (EN)

Day 6 (JP)
Day 6 (EN)

A lot of zombies are approaching... What would you do?


  • Tweet #Escape
  • Tweet #FightWithHandgun
  • Tweet #逃げる
  • Tweet #ハンドガンで倒す
  • (Choosing Escape)

I thought I was able to escape... Wow!!
『逃げ切れたと思ったのに・・・・・・うわぁ!! 明日のご参加もお待ちしています!』

  • (Choosing Fight With Handgun)

I thought I would be able to deal with this situation... Wow!!
『倒し切れたと思ったのに・・・・・・うわぁ!! 明日のご参加もお待ちしています!』

Day 7 (JP)
Day 7 (EN)

Day 8 (JP)
Day 8 (EN)

Investigating a zombie-related facility! Who do you want to go with?


  • Tweet #EnergeticClaire
  • Tweet #MysteriousAda
  • Tweet #経験は浅いが行動力溢れるクレア
  • Tweet #冷静沈着だが少し怪しげなエイダ
  • (Choosing EnergeticClaire)

Had a surprise attack from the enemy! You've been defeated...
『敵の奇襲!? 倒されてしまった・・・』

  • (Choosing MysteriousAda)

Traps in unexpected places! The enemy has escaped...
『思わぬところにトラップが!! 敵に逃げられてしまった・・・』

Day 9 (JP)
Day 9 (EN)

Day 10 (JP)
Day 10 (EN)

Jack attacked you in the garage! What would you do?


  • Tweet #FightingWithWeapons
  • Tweet #RunAway
  • Tweet #GetInCar
  • Tweet #武器を駆使して戦う
  • Tweet #必死で逃げる
  • Tweet #車に乗ってみる
He's getting in the car...! Oh no, it's approaching...! OMG!
『車に乗られてしまった・・・! まずい、こちらに来る・・・!うわあああ!!!』
Day 11 (JP)
Day 11 (EN)

Day 12 (JP)
Day 12 (EN)

A horde of creatures... Which way do you fight?


  • Tweet #HandgunManyBullets
  • Tweet #ShotgunLessShells
  • Tweet #低威力だけどたくさん撃てるハンドガン
  • Tweet #高威力だけど3発しかないショットガン
A huge creature has brought his fellows... Who can beat them…
『大きなクリーチャーが仲間を連れてきた・・・ 太刀打ちできない!』
Day 13 (JP)
Day 13 (EN)

Day 14 (JP)
Day 14 (EN)

Fighting against Creatures! Who do you want to go with?


  • Tweet #LeonGutsHumour
  • Tweet #ChrisMuscularStrong
  • Tweet #度胸もユーモアも一級品のレオン
  • Tweet #筋骨隆々でたくましいクリス
  • (Choosing LeonGutsHumour)

Leon...something behind you....whoa!!!

  • (Choosing ChrisMuscularStrong)

The enemy got away…



External links[]
