"A semi-automatic shotgun. The revolving cylinder boasts a high ammo capacity and helps keep the weapon compact." — Inventory description - English |
"セミオートマチック式ショットガン。 回転式弾倉を採用することにより、 コンパクトさと装弾数の多さを両立する。" — Inventory description - Japanese |
Striker is a weapon in Resident Evil 4. The Striker can be bought from the Merchant starting from Chapter 10 for 38.000₧.
A puzzling weapon in the player's arsenal given its late availability. While it seemingly has the highest firepower per shot compared to its alternatives, it also has the worst spread of any shotgun in the game making it risky to use in any real practice.
This is compounded by the fact that it is fired from the hip; making aiming a bit more cumbersome should there be obstacles, as well as ammo scarcity being an issue in general.
As impractical as it is to use as a crowd clearing weapon however, it is nearly second to none as a crowd control weapon against smaller enemies; easily staggering / blowing away closer enemies while flinching ones that are slightly further away due to its wide spread.
Its comparably small inventory size as well as high capacity also helps in mitigating inventory management, opening much more space for other necessities.
Upgrade Chart[]
Specs | Lv. 1 | Upgrade Price Resell Value
Lv. 2 | Upgrade Price Resell Value
Lv. 3 | Upgrade Price Resell Value
Lv. 4 | Upgrade Price Resell Value
Lv. 5 | Total |
Power | 9.00 | 25,000₧ +23,750₧
10.8 | 35,000 ₧ + 33,250 ₧
12.6 | 55,000 ₧ + 52,250 ₧
14.4 | 65,000 ₧ + 61,750 ₧
16.2 | 180,000
₧ + 171,000
Ammo Capacity | 12 | 10,000₧ +9,500₧
15 | 14,000 ₧ + 13,300 ₧
18 | 18,000 ₧ + 17,100 ₧
21 | 22,000 ₧ + 20,900 ₧
24 | 64,000
₧ + 60,800
Reload Speed Rounds
0.13 2
12,000₧ +11,400₧
0.25 3
14,000 ₧ + 13,300 ₧
0.35 4
16,000 ₧ + 15,200 ₧
0.45 5
18,000 ₧ + 17,100 ₧
₧ + 57,000
Rate of Fire | 1.13 | 13,000₧ +12,350₧
1.19 | 16,000 ₧ + 15,200 ₧
1.29 | 19,000 ₧ + 18,050 ₧
1.42 | 22,000 ₧ + 20,900 ₧
1.57 | 70,000
₧ + 66,500
Precision | 2.00 | - | ||||||||
Exclusive Perk | Increase ammo capacity by 2x. | 60,000
₧ | ||||||||
Total | 434,000₧ +355,300₧
| |||||||||
Buying Price/Selling Price | 38,000₧ 19,000₧
| |||||||||
Total Including Buying/Selling Price | 472,000
₧ 374,300₧
- Its name is a rare example of Capcom using the legal name for a weapon, with its source material being the Sentinel Arms Co. Striker-12.
- Its reload speed is calculated based on the ammo capacity level and the amount of rounds it can load at once.
- The above stats for each reload speed level is based on a Striker with max ammo capacity.
- Exclusive Perk also double the the amount of rounds it can loads.