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Resident Evil Wiki

The buildup of suspense (tentative) is a cutscene in Resident Evil 2. It plays during the Claire A scenario.


Claire Redfield: "Hang in there! Are you the only officer left in the building?"

Marvin Branagh: "Who are you?"

Claire: "Claire – Claire Redfield. I'm looking for my brother, Chris."

Marvin: "We lost contact with him over ten days ago. Chris, Jill, Barry: every last S.T.A.R.S. team member has disappeared. We should've listened to them."

Claire: "What happened?"

Marvin: "About two months ago, there was this incident involving these zombie-like creatures in a mansion located in the outskirts of this city... Chris and the other S.T.A.R.S. members discovered that Umbrella was behind everything. At the risk of their own lives... but no one believed them."

Claire: "Are you okay?"

Marvin: "Don't worry about me. Just rescue the survivors in the other rooms. Here, take this key card. You should be able to unlock the doors in the hall with this. Now go."

Claire: "But..."

Marvin: "Just go!"

Claire: "Okay. Just hang in there. I'll be back soon!"

Claire Redfield:「しっかりして!他の警官はどこに?」

Marvin Branagh:「君は?」

Claire:「クレア レッドフィールド 兄のクリスを探しているの」

Marvin:「奴からは十日以上連絡がない クリス ジル バリー・・・S.T.A.R.S.のメンバーは皆消息を絶ってしまった 奴等を信じていれば・・・」


Marvin:「二ヶ月前 街に変なうわさが立った・・・人を襲うゾンビが― 街の郊外の古い洋館に現れると・・・クリス達 S.T.A.R.S.のメンバーがアンブレラの仕業だと突き止めたが― 命をかけた彼らを― 誰も信じなかったんだ」


Marvin:「俺の事はいい ・・・それより他の生き残りを助けてくれ カードキーだ これでホールの扉のロックが外せる ・・・さあ行け」



Claire:「分かったわ ・・・必ず戻るわ!」
