Ultimate 8, often shortened to U-8, was a type of bioweapon typically used for base defense which was developed by Tricell through the use of its genetically-altered Plaga parasites, though whether it relied on Type-2 or Type-3 is unknown. The U-8 should not be confused with U-3, a creature designed by Los Iluminados several years earlier.
The U-8 was a huge creature with pincers created by splicing together the genes of multiple shelled arthropods and infecting the hybrid with an unknown strain of Plaga. The resulting creature was incredibly durable and capable of releasing smaller mosquito-like BOWs to attack targets, however the U-8’s rapid growth rate typically lead to exploitable defects in the armor. Combined with the large amount of resources needed to maintain them this meant the creatures were typically used for short engagements and guarding facilities. By the time of the Kijuju Autonomous Zone Incident several of these creatures had been sold by Ricardo Irving to various groups along with a new model, the U-8 Prime, which featured multi-layered armor for even greater defense. Plans had also been drawn up for a lighter less resource intensive model but testing showed the trade off in attack and defense was too great and the project was shelved.[1] During the incident in Kijuju one of the original U-8 models was released in the Tricell Africa facility to hunt down and kill Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar, while they were on the revolving elevator. After its unprotected legs were damaged, the creature collapsed onto the platform which left it unable to prevent the duo from forcing explosives down its mouth, which destroyed its head and killed it.