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Virus Capsule is an item in Resident Evil Re:Verse.


The Virus Capsule's main purpose is to upgrade the Bioweapon the Humans will spawn as after they are killed.

Players can collect up to two Virus Capsules, the amount needed to spawn each Bioweapon is as listed:

Image Creature Virus Capsules
RE VERSE FatMolded Fat Molded ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 0
Lycan REverse render Lycan ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 1
RE VERSE HunterGamma Hunter γ ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 1
RE VERSE Jack Jack Baker ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 1
RE VERSE Nemesis Nemesis ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 2
RE VERSE SuperTyrant Super Tyrant ReVerse Virus Capsule tutorial 2

If players have one or two collected, the game will randomly select between those options.

Having one or two Virus Capsule also boosts the damage of the Survivor's weapons, makes the targeting reticle focused faster and will also make it glow. This is referred to in one of the loading screen in the game.

Players do not perform any type of animation when collecting the Virus Capsule, simply approaching it will automatically collect it. If a player has already two capsules, it will not be collected. Virus Capsule periodically spawn throughout the map, they can be seen through walls via the icon shown at the user interface.

When using the Skill Virus Capsule Decoy, Tundra will be able to place a fake Virus Capsule in an item spawn point that will explode when an enemy is nearby.

RE Coins that affect Virus Capsules are:

  • Virus Detector - Increase the range at which virus capsules can be detected.

