Resident Evil Wiki
Resident Evil Wiki
Prime universe
(Capcom's primary storyline)

"Zǐlì" (real name unknown) is an agent of Sheng-Ya Pharmaceutical. In 2014, she posed as a gravure idol to participate in the Japanese reality show, Idol Survival. Her mission under this cover was to collect data on bio-organic weaponry after Sheng-Ya had recovered an abandoned Umbrella laboratory on Sonido de Tortuga Island. She eventually reveals her true colors and becomes the final antagonist of BIOHAZARD heavenly island.


Introduced as a gravure model and one of the participants of the Idol Survival show, Zi Li was first seen asking for a fellow model named Coco. She is then seen aboard the yacht of Mike D. Seaman before joining a small group in exploring the jungle, where they were attacked by a mysterious figure carrying a harpoon.

Some time later, Mike and Zi Li infiltrated the shrine that belonged to a Shaman who was feared by the superstitious local population, killing guards along the way. Upon entering the shrine, the pair discovered a four-armed creature and two women on a floor. The shaman appeared and unleashed the creature against the intruders; Mike was killed, but Zi Li escaped when the two women distracted it.

Zi li monster form

Zi Li's true objective was revealed when Claire Redfield and the group of survivors led by Takeru Tominaga discovered the abandoned military facility where Dirk Miller (the true identity of the Shaman) was working on the "Kodoku Plan"; a plot to create a new viral bioweapon from the "perfect specimen". Zi Li infiltrated the facility and killed Miller by bashing his head against a monitor, torturing him, and snapping his neck. When she was confronted by the survivors, Zi Li managed to overpower both Claire and Takeru with her amazing fighting skills.

She then hung Takeru over a high stairway and began beating him with a metal pipe, explaining that she enjoys torture. Before she could inflict any serious damage, a zombified Laura Bierce grabbed her from behind and bit her on the neck as they fell over a railing. Having managed to synthesize a sample of Miller's virus from the harpoon-wielding mutant nicknamed "Morio", Zi Li injected herself with it as she and Laura plummeted into the depths of the facility.

Zi li monster head

Zi Li surviving the rocket launcher shot as only head

While Claire's group confronted a squad of mercenaries sent to Sonido de Tortuga to acquire the viral sample, Zi Li returned, having mutated into a giant monster. The mutated Zi Li slaughtered the mercenaries before fighting Takeru and Mayu. As she grabbed Marilou with murderous intent, she was unexpectedly attacked by Morio, who was thought to be dead after being synthesized for the virus. During the fight, the harpoon-wielding creature's mask fell off and Marilou realized it was her mutated brother Eliseo, who was captured by Dirk Miller. As the two creatures fought, Claire grabbed the rocket launcher and fired at both Morio and Zi Li, decapitating the latter and killing the former.

As the first helicopter departed carrying Claire, Parker and Marilou, Zi Li revealed herself, having survived as a severed head and impaled the B.S.A.A. pilot. She attempted to impale Takeru and Mayu but was forced outside by B.S.A.A.agent Hendrick, who managed to cut off her tentacle before passing out due to stab injuries he sustained during the battle. Zi Li was then confronted by Takeru armed with only a machete and one grenade, but she was attacked by Mayu from behind, who picked up the machete after Takeru had dropped it. Takeru managed to escape her grab, throw the grenade into her mouth and hid in nearby pitfall that he had dug in preparation for the Idol Survival show as the monstrous Zi Li exploded.

Skills and Abilities

Initially, Zîlì displayed no abilities beyond what would be expected of a gravure idol. However, she has a wide range of abilities as a Sheng-Ya agent, including combat training and stealth. Some of her assassination tactics were shown when she's assisting Mike in killing guards, via neck snaps and poking eyes out. Her abilities allowed her to kill Dirk Miller using only wire and handily disarm Claire Redfield before hurling her across the room. After mutating herself, Zîlì gained drastically enhanced physical abilities and a bevy of natural weaponry; fangs, claws, and multiple tentacles armed with bony blades. She also displayed the ability to survive as nothing but a head following Claire's attempt to kill her and Morio with a rocket.


Further notes

As Zǐlì's name is also represented in the manga as the furigana "ジューリー", scanlations frequently refer to her as "Julie" incorrectly.

